The appeal around Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes (SWGoH) has to do with the details. This isn’t a quick level up, shoot em’ up kind of game. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a turn-based battle game which requires a massive amount of patience and attention to detail. Because it’s run by EA, gamers have been searching for cheats and ways to beat the system since its release. The cold hard truth, however, is that there are no real cheats in SWGoH. Don’t buy into the hype online, and please don’t download anything offering false promises. The only you’ll end up with is a giant headache.
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There are ways, though, in which a player can advance rapidly and move quicker than the common casual mobile gamer. These secrets are range from common sense to deep dives, helping Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes players to advance at a bit faster pace and accomplish more daily. SWGoH is great to play in short bursts throughout the day, while giving every Star Wars fan a taste of magic and nostalgia. Be warned, however, because once you get hooked, there's no turning back.
Updated June 23, 2022, by Gabrielle Huston: Where there's a will, there's a way! We've compiled the very best tips to turn you from a beginner to a pro.
15 Use A Dummy Team To Throw Off Turn Meter
An important trick for Galactic Heroes is to use a dummy team first, as the AI will automatically use their abilities without a strategy. Then put in your best team and go to town without the fear of having buffs and abilities thrown at you right away.
For the longest time, players could shut down the game and come back in with a fresh start if things weren’t going your way. Using a dummy team is much faster and more efficient. After all, you should always have a handful of weak characters you’re working on leveling up.
14 Use Weaker Squads Early In Galactic War
There’s been a ton of contention regarding what the developers were thinking when designing Galactic War in SWGoH. Many new players find this area difficult to complete because they’re most likely using their strongest team right off the bat.
The secret to completing Galactic War lies in using a variety of teams, saving your most powerful for the final battles.
This gives you an advantage in turn meter and special abilities, allowing you to defeat those harder squads with fresh toons. Having a couple of strong teams put together will increase your chances of completing the Galactic War daily.
13 Farm With Sim Tickets Two At A Time
The strategy of farming with only two Sims at a time is all about manipulating existing algorithms. It won’t work every time, but over the long run, using this technique will reap more rewards. Most players will use 10 Sims all at once, simply to save time. In doing this, however, you’re decreasing your odds.
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The more times you spin a wheel, the better your chances are for getting more of the item you want. Don’t believe me? Try it over the course of daily play and find out for yourself.
12 Use The Auto-Battle Feature
A large part of Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is daily grinding. Even if you’re spending money, the grind will always remain. For some, this can become too tedious and boring. Using the Auto-Battle feature will not only speed up the daily grind, it also allows you to see how your team syncs together when using AI algorithms.
Using buffs, de-buffs, and other special abilities in sync with other toons on your team will separate out the good teams from the great ones. Using the Auto-Battle feature can help guide you through styles of play you might not have considered before.
11 Use Weaker Teams In Beginning Of Galactic War Mode
The Galactic War mode is considered by most to be one of the more difficult daily stages to complete in SWGoH. The trick to completing the mode lies in not using your strongest toons during the beginning battles but utilizing the weaker characters you’ve collected.
In adding your strongest team for the final battles you’ll have full health and turn meter, along with all their special abilities at your disposal. Each stage in Galactic Mode presents a new and fresh AI team while your team carries over from the last battle. Swapping characters and teams can help you overcome this disadvantage.
10 Time Those Special Abilities
It’s a natural instinct to use special abilities per how it affects that one character. Learning how those abilities can work with the other toons on your team is essential if you want to get the most out of them.
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While the ability for one toon might give it more damage power, it could also provide protection for all the other toons on the team. In this scenario, using the ability at the beginning of the match won’t provide an elimination shot but will protect the team against buffs, giving you a long-term advantage in the fight.
9 Work To Unlock Darth Vader
Luminara may be easy to farm but Vader takes patience and lots of grinding. Despite it being such a pain to unlock him, it's so worth it. This is especially true when building a Sith team or combining characters like Maul, Sidious, Nihulus, and Dooku.
Darth Vader isn’t the most powerful Sith toon; it’s his abilities which make him a must-have. He can cripple a team almost immediately, allowing your other toons an easy job of eliminating those opponents one by one.
8 Use Crystals To Purchase Energy Refreshes
Once you start to move up in the Arena ranks, you’ll have more crystals at your disposal. The first instinct most players follow is to use those crystals in purchasing packs to acquire more toons. While there’s nothing wrong with this, it's still a gamble.
The most efficient means behind using crystals (especially for free-to-play players) is in refreshing energy. This allows you to Sim or battle for gear and shards, always helping towards achieving the goals you have for your toons and teams.
7 Focused Farming
With so many new toons being added, along with favorites each player would like to have, it’s easy to lose focus when farming. New players can wind up farming almost 30 characters at one time. Huge mistake.
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To this day, over half those toons will be worthless. Pick two teams you’d like to build and go from there. Focused farming will help FTP players level their toons faster, creating more opportunities for future farming and grinding.
6 New Players Should Focus On Toons Before Ships
When Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes added ships to the mix, many fans were eager to start farming teams. The excitement is real, and if you enjoy ships as much as we do, it’ll be the first thing you’ll want to build up. Unfortunately, this is a wrong move for the game.
SWGoH main focus is still on toons, so, to focus on ships first will take away from the needed time and effort to build a couple strong teams. The developerss know this, which is why most popular team characters also have ships attached to their toon. You can still farm ships, just be careful not to waste crystals and time doing it.
5 Use The Find Button
Veteran players know this, but most newbies overlook this very helpful feature. When pulling up a character’s details, directly under shards is the button “find.” In hitting this button, players can search for gear and shards across every mode in SWGoH.
This will help a player to determine where their focus should be when farming. For example, if most of your toons need gear from light battles, then that is where you should be focusing energy first. This same tip applies to ships too.
4 Cantina Battles Are Great For Shard Farming
New players will most likely want to focus on completing battles in the Cantina Mode first, along with light and dark side battles. Cantina mode not only has many of the key characters shards hidden throughout it, but it also contains a wide variety of gear to strengthen those toons too.
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Many top toons can be farmed through Cantina battles. Once unlocking a character, find battles which offer their shards as a reward and focus on playing those to level the toon up quickly.
3 Leader Abilities Play A Key Role
Certain toons have stronger leader abilities over others, and some don’t even have any. For new SWGoH players, the leadership ability can be confusing. But in learning how they work with other toons will put you on the path towards building a team which syncs well together.
Syncing abilities is what makes for a powerful team, allowing players to rank higher in Arena battles and earn the currency and crystals they need to farm properly. Knowing the leadership strengths of your characters will allow a player to swap toons in and out and create a variety of strong teams.
2 Rank Those Capital Ships
Capital ships may not seem as fancy as the toon ships, but their importance plays a much bigger role than most realize. They function as the foundation for your ship team, much like a leader does in land battles.
Before spending hours farming up the best ship team, focus on a capital ship and then on the rest of the team. Capital ships provide AOE, healing, and turn meter advantage. Underestimating the value of a capital ship will only make farming a proper ship team more difficult.
1 Understand Buffs And De-buffs
Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a strategic game, much like playing chess. The best players are always thinking seven moves ahead, putting together strategies in how to use their toons buffs and debuffs. These abilities have the power to change any matchup.
Read through the forums and find the best toons who sync with other characters regarding their buffs and debuffs. There are also plenty of sites which list all the buff and debuff abilities, breaking down how they work for a specific toon and with team characters.
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