General election latest: Minister hangs up on Sky's Sam Coates after being told poll has predicted he'll lose his seat (2024)

Election news
  • Bulletin:Catch up on the main news from the campaign trail
  • Labour set for biggest majority in 100 years - YouGov poll
  • Minister predicted to be voted out hangs up live on Sky News
  • The top Tories under threat|Why this poll is a big deal|'31 days to save Tory party'
  • Farage to stand at general election|Taking over as Reform leader
  • Be in the audience for our election leaders event
  • Live reporting by Tim Baker
Expert analysis
  • Jon Craig:Grim record aside, Farage has made a canny choice
  • Rob Powell:Farage U-turn is a really significant development
  • Adam Boulton:'Starmtroopers' are purging Labour
Election essentials
  • Trackers:Who's leading polls?|Is PM keeping promises?
  • Follow Sky's politics podcasts:Electoral Dysfunction|Politics At Jack And Sam's
  • Read more:Who is standing down?|Key seats to watch|How to register to vote|What counts as voter ID?|Check if your constituency is changing|Your essential guide to election lingo|Sky's election night plans


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We're pausing our live coverage for tonight.

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Lib Dems pledge to 'end hospital crisis' with free personal care - as Tories tout migration cap

By Jennifer Scott, political reporter

The Liberal Democrats will pledge free personal care to "all those who need it" as they make their social care offering on the campaign trail.

Making the announcement on Tuesday, the party will say it would help "end the hospital crisis" by enabling thousands of people ready to be discharged but stuck in hospital beds to get care, as well as help the elderly to "stay in their own homes longer".

The Lib Dems pointed to a report by Age UK that found an estimated 1.6 million people aged 65 and over had unmet care needs, and in April alone, an average of 12,772 hospital beds were being used by people who were ready to be discharged.

Leader Sir Ed Davey said: "As a carer for my disabled son, and after caring for my ill mother when I was young, care is deeply personal for me. That is why I am putting fixing the care crisis at the heart of the Liberal Democrat offer to the country at this election.

"Far too often, family carers are being left to pick up the pieces because the care system simply isn't there for them. Millions of people are going without the care they need, while thousands are stuck in hospital beds instead of being cared for in their own home or a care home.

"We cannot fix the crisis facing the NHS without fixing the crisis facing social care. The Liberal Democrats would bring in free personal care to help people live independently and with dignity, in their own homes wherever possible."

Read the full story below:


Papers will make grim reading for PM

The front pages for tomorrow unsurprisingly focus on two things: The return of Nigel Farage as a Westminster candidate, and the polling which suggests a record defeat for the Tories.

Neither of these stories will be welcomed among Rishi Sunak's team.


The Daily: Landslides and wipe-outs - reaction to latest election poll

Sir Keir Starmer could be heading to Downing Street with a majority of 194 seats, bigger than what Tony Blair achieved in 1997, according to the first polling projection by YouGov of the campaign.

The projection shows a historic Labour landslide, with the party getting the highest number of seats of any party at an election in history.

At the same time, the Tories are trying to boost ratings by talking about culture wars while Labour is talking about real wars in terms of what they would do for defence. And Nigel Farage has announced he's standing for Reform UK.

On the Sky News Daily, Niall Patterson talks to Sky's chief political correspondent Jon Craig about the poll and today's developments, and to Scarlett Maguire, director of the polling organisation JL Partners.

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Catch up on the latest news from the campaign trail

We're winding up here for the day - the clock has gone ten and we'll be off to bed soon.

Today felt like a day that could be an inflection point in the election for a number of reasons.

We had big announcements from numerous parties, and a megapoll predicting a historic result.

If you want a fuller rundown, here is today's main news:

  • A YouGov poll predicted Labour will win a supermajority of 194 seats - with the Conservatives routed to just 140 MPs;
  • Tory ministers are among those who could lose their seat - including the defence secretary, Grant Shapps, who hung up on our deputy political editor Sam Coates when he was told live on air;
  • As chief political correspondentJon Craig writes, panic will be spread through Tory ranks;
  • Meanwhile, Sky election analyst Professor Michael Thrasher said Rishi Sunak has 31 days to save the Conservative Party;
  • Twelve big Conservative beasts face losing their seats - andpolitical correspondentTamara Cohenhas a despatch from one such constituency.
  • Just before this poll was published, Nigel Farage announced he was standing to be an MP for Reform UK - U-turning on his previous stance of not contesting;
  • As political correspondent Rob Powell says, Mr Farage doesn't just have his eye on this election but the years ahead;
  • Andpolitical correspondent Gurpreet Narwansays the news will send shivers down Tory spines;
  • This morning, Labourwas pitching itself as the "party of defence" as it pledged to build new nuclear submarines;
  • And the Conservatives were campaigning on reforming the Equalities Act, including wanting to protect single sex toilets;
  • Equalities minister Kemi Badenoch also said trans athletes may have to compete with their biological sex;
  • In slightly lighter news, the prime minister revealed his preferred Nando's order - with a surprise inclusion in the sides.
  • Elsewhere, the SNP said there was no need for the UK to have a nuclear deterrent, in response to the Labour announcement;
  • The Liberal Democrats sabotaged Rishi Sunak as he held a campaign event;
  • Meanwhile, political correspondent Serena Barker-Singh outlined the difficulties facing Sir Keir Starmer over Jeremy Corbyn.

Here are a couple of other stories that may interest you:

Our essential political podcast,Politics At Jack And Sam's, is going out every week day through the election campaign to bring a short burst of everything you need to know about the day ahead as this election unfolds - here is today's edition.

Tap here to follow Politics At Jack At Sam's wherever you get your podcasts.


Could the this seat be the next Portillo moment?

Today's poll suggests that in the Conservative heartlands, voters are about to turn on the governing party like never before, Tarama Cohen writes from Godalming, Surrey.

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is running in Godalming and Ash, one of the country's most affluent areas.

Conservative since its creation, Mr Hunt's majority - on different boundaries - was down to 8,817 at tzhe 2019 election, ahead of the Liberal Democrats. YouGov's seat by seat poll predicts it could be overturned altogether.

It could be a significant moment of election night - compared with cabinet minister Michael Portillo losing his seat in 1997.

Mortgage rates are a key issue for many voters in this commuter town, and switchers were not hard to find.

Sam and Fi Hayward, who have three children under five, previously voted Conservative but will now back the Lib Dems.

Finance worker Sam - who's natural home is with Conservatives - will be changing who he backs, saying "different issues on our radar now we have a young family".

He is also unimpressed with the government's performance, putting it down to "general incompetence, Brexit hasn't gone their way, COVID hasn't helped".

Fi is also switching, saying "I think it would be better for our family".

At the Godalming Delights sweet shop, new mum Felicity is also switching away from the Tories.

"We're living on savings to pay a massive mortgage", she said, and they've taken their older child out of nursery due to the costs.

Retired teacher Jean said the impact of COVID is still on her mind - including a friend who died "while [politicians] were partying".

She's also concerned about children's mental health, a subject the Lib Dems are campaigning on.

But there was still support for the Conservatives here - and lack of enthusiasm for the alternative.

Retired railway worker Robert Jones said: "I like Jeremy Hunt and Rishi Sunak. I like his apprenticeship scheme, my children's children need a job and all our heavy industries are going."

He was not impressed with the National Service idea - and does worry about Labour.

"Diane Abbott was in, and now she's out. The left always worry me, and the unions - although I was a union man for years - having their sway," he says.

Some voters felt Mr Hunt personally had worked hard as an MP. "He's moderate, and I'm a moderate", said Tory party member David Cooper.

But he was worried about a severe defeat.

This corner of southwest Surrey, a constituency held by former cabinet minister Virginia Bottomley and now the chancellor, has never deserted the Tories, even at the height of New Labour.

If the tide turns here on election night, it will be a sign the once unshakeable Blue Wall is really tumbling down.

The candidates for Godalming and Ash are:

  • Graham Drage, Reform UK;
  • Paul Follows, Liberal Democrats;
  • Jeremy Hunt, Conservatives;
  • James Walsh, Labour;
  • Steve Williams, Greens.


Panic will spread through Tory ranks after stunning poll

By Jon Craig, chief political correspondent

The findings of the SkyNews/YouGov MRP poll are a disaster for the Conservatives, a worry for Labour and good news for the Lib Dems and Reform UK.

The forecast of a Tory near wipeoutwill spread panic among Conservative candidates and potentially spark a fresh bout of mutiny against Rishi Sunak from the right of his party.

For Labour, the suggestion that Sir Keir Starmer is heading for a landslide even bigger than Tony Blair won in 1997 will alarm those in the party already fearing complacency.

But for the Lib Dems, the projection that Sir Ed Davey's party is heading for a result to match the heady days of Paddy Ashdown and Charles Kennedy will be a massive confidence boost.

However, the party that will be really delighted is Reform UK - already newly energised withNigel Farage replacing Richard Tice as leader- who will claim that with Labour on course to win, Tory supporters can vote for them.

There will also be consternation in the Tory high command at the forecast that so many of the party's big beasts - led by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt - are at risk of losing their seat.

Mr Hunt is fighting the new constituency of Godalming and Ash - in his favour it's in a part of the affluent Surrey stockbroker belt represented by Conservative MPs since 1910.

But the cabinet minsters who are vulnerable are in seats held by Labour in the Blair and Brown years or the Liberal Democrats in the Ashdown, Kennedy or Nick Clegg years.

Read Jon's full analysis below:


Farage message to voters will send shivers down spine in Tory HQ

By Gurpreet Narwan, political correspondent

We've just witnessed what is probably the most dramatic moment of the general election campaign so far - Nigel Farage, a figure of fear for the Tories, is entering the fray (read more here).

All eyes will now turn to the polls, where Reform UK is performing at around 12%.

It hasn't made any major breakthroughs so far - and this vote share will not translate into a seat.

However, speaking to Sky News after the announcement, Mr Farage was adamant the party would now ascend and win more than the 3.9 million votes UKIP took in 2015.

It was at that election that Douglas Carswell - after defecting from the Tories - won a seat for UKIP. It is in this seat that Farage is now bidding to be an MP after seven failed attempts to enter the Commons.

Clacton will be viewed as a soft target for Reform. This was a strong Leave voting area and the Conservative candidate, Giles Watling, is a Remainer.

Reform UK is polling above the national average in this seaside town - YouGov and Sky News' MRP poll puts its share here at 19.5%. But the "Farage factor" cannot be underestimated. He could really win here.

All of this will send shivers down the spines of those in Tory HQ, but Sir Keir Starmer may be rubbing his hands with glee.

Polling already suggests that Reform could cost the Tories 100 seats by splitting the right wing vote across the Red Wall and Essex. It explains why the Tories were pushing the message hard that "a vote for Reform is a vote for Labour".

Farage has turned that on its head. The election is a foregone conclusion and the Tories are too divided to be serious in opposition, he says.

Instead, given the Tories have already lost, Farage argues that a vote for the Tories is the real wasted vote.

That's his pitch to voters who he is now inviting to join his "political takeover".


National service announcement unpopular with public, polling suggests

It was a week ago that the government was announcing its plans to reintroduce national service - after a fashion - if they won the election.

The idea is for all 18-year-olds to volunteer at least once a month, and some to join the military for the year.

Since then, pollsters at JL Partners have asked the country for their opinions on the policy.

As part of its survey, it asked 2,013 people to check boxes against answers for which statements they agreed with.

People could tick as many boxes as they want.

Some 32% of people - a total of 651 of the 2,013 - ticked the box saying it made them feel more negative about the Tories.

Meanwhile, 23% - 467 people of the 2,013 - said it made them feel better about the Conservatives.

To break that down, that's 184 more responses that thought badly of the Conservatives after the national service announcement than thought better of it - a nine point gap.

And then 24% of people - 479 - ticked the box saying it made no difference to their views.

Some 12% - 236 - said it made them feel better about Labour, while 3% - 51 - said it made them feel worse about Sir Keir Starmer's party.

And 12% - 243 - said they did not know.

Read more about the national service announcement below.


The Daily: Landslides and wipe-outs - reaction to latest election poll

Sir Keir Starmer could be heading to Downing Street with a majority of 194 seats, bigger than what Tony Blair achieved in 1997, according to the first polling projection by YouGov of the campaign.

The projection shows a historic Labour landslide, with the party getting the highest number of seats of any party at an election in history.

At the same time, the Tories are trying to boost ratings by talking about culture wars while Labour is talking about real wars in terms of what they would do for defence. And Nigel Farage has announced he's standing for Reform UK.

On the Sky News Daily, Niall Patterson talks to Sky's chief political correspondent Jon Craig about the poll and today's developments, and to Scarlett Maguire, director of the polling organisation JL Partners.

Click to subscribe to the Sky News Daily wherever you get your podcasts

General election latest: Minister hangs up on Sky's Sam Coates after being told poll has predicted he'll lose his seat (2024)
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