Thermofun - Tim Tam Fudge Recipe - ThermoFun | Thermomix Recipes & Tips (2025)

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Thermofun - Tim Tam Fudge Recipe - ThermoFun | Thermomix Recipes & Tips (1)

Tim Tams + fudge mmmm – this is always a good combination! :) Great for giveaways to friends or just to have as that 3.30’itis kicks in!

Note: These work well sliced into bite size pieces for giveaways wrapped in cellophane and also in the funky little jam type jars.

For many more decadent thermomix fudge recipes Click Here.

Thermofun – Tim Tam Fudge

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Thermofun - Tim Tam Fudge Recipe - ThermoFun | Thermomix Recipes & Tips (2)


  • 200g raw sugar
  • 200g white chocolate melts
  • 400g condensed milk
  • 125g butter, cubed
  • 1 tablespoon liquid glucose syrup
  • ⅔ packet Tim Tam biscuits (seven biscuits), broken into quarters by hand


  1. Line a slice or square tin with baking paper.
  2. Place sugar into TM bowl and mill 3 sec / speed 9. Set aside.
  3. Place chocolate into TM bowl and grate 10 sec / speed 9. Set aside.
  4. Place condensed milk, butter, sugar and glucose into TM bowl and cook 8 mins / 100°C / speed 2.
  5. Scrape down and cook a further 20mins / Varoma / speed 2. NB: add an extra 2 mins cooking time if a more caramelised result is desired.
  6. Add chocolate and biscuits and mix 10 sec / speed 3 / Reverse until chocolate is melted.
  7. Pour into tin and refrigerate until set.
  8. Slice into small squares.

To clean Thermomix bowl:

  1. Pour a glass of milk into TM bowl and mix 5 sec / speed 8.
  2. Heat milk 5 mins / 80°C / speed 4.
  3. Enjoy warm chocolate milk. No wasted chocolate!

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For many recipes on my website using condensed milk Click Here Thermofun - Tim Tam Fudge Recipe - ThermoFun | Thermomix Recipes & Tips (3)

Click Herefor more great recipes in a number of e-cookbooks – containing recipes to suit everyone.

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Reader Interactions


  1. Sarah says

    Could you double up the recipe and use golden syrup I/l of glucose syrup? 🤞🏻


    • thermofun says

      Sarah I haven't doubled it and I'm not sure how it would go to be honest so in preference I would just stick to the recipe and also use glucose syrup. :)


  2. Julie says

    How many Tim Tams = 2/3 of a pack for this recipe please as pack sizes vary. ??


    • thermofun says

      Hi Julie in the ingredients it says in brackets 7 biscuits. Enjoy! :)


  3. Jo says

    This was really nice...but very pale. Not at all like the picture. The recipe says white choc melts....i ended up adding more melted choc at the end as the fudge was white.
    Is this a typo or did something go wrong?


    • thermofun says

      Hi Jo, The recipe is correct. I may have used dark chocolate Tim Tams in my original picture (you can use whichever ones you like) which would give it a slightly darker colour but it should still have a nice caramalised colour with original Tim tams.

      I am not sure why your fudge is white in appearance as you should notice significant caramelization even after the initial 8 mins. The colour does not change an awful lot after the addition of the 200g white chocolate and is darkened slightly by the addition of the tim tams.
      Pleased to hear you enjoyed it anyway! :)


  4. Cheryl Schwab says

    This was yummy and will not last too long in my house. Thanks for the recipe.


    • thermofun says

      Thank you Cheryl, yes we have the same problem in our house too!! :)


  5. Leanne says

    The picture looks like milk chocolate not white chocolate, is this due to the biscuits adding the chocolate colour when mixed?


  6. Lisha says

    Can you freeze fudge?
    How long does it last in the fridge?


    • thermofun says

      I have frozen fudge Lisha. Just thaw out at room temp. It lasts in the fridge for a good week (well assuming that I'm not in your kitchen!) :)


  7. Lisa says

    Well, Tim Tam must've reduced the number of biscuits in a packet, because half the packet I just bought to make this is 5.5 biscuits!!!! Feeling short changed!!


    • thermofun says

      oh no Lisa - its obviously been awhile since I've bought a packet. I'll have to check it out!


  8. Catherine Holt says

    Oh, Tim Tam and fudge all rolled into one amazing bite. I would have to make double as I'm sure it would disappear way too quickly!


  9. Angela says

    Love love love this :-) On my 2nd batch now


  10. Jenny says

    is glucose syrup the same as liquid glucose


    • thermofun says

      Yes it is Jenny :)


  11. Ann says

    Just wondering do these need to be stored in the fridge once set? Or just in an airtight container not in the fridge? Am wanting to make as Chrisssy gifts so don't know how much in advance I can make them :) have just whipped up a batch this morning as a "tester" :)


    • thermofun says

      Ann it would really depend on where you live and how hot it is where you are. An air tight container will be fine providing it is kept in a coolish place so as the chocolate wont melt. :)


  12. Sheina says

    I am a Brit, living in France. Can anyone tell me what a Tim Tam is please?


    • thermofun says

      Sheina - "Penguin" biscuits are a good substitute.


  13. jacinda says

    This fudge is so yummy. Gave some to the neighbours and they loved it. Have to make more though as it it not going to last very long, as apparently hubby is taking it to work for his team. Thanks for a great recipe. !!!


    • thermofun says

      Pleased you enjoyed it Jacinda. Yes it's a bad fudge in that it does tend to disappear very quickly! Maybe it should come with a warning label on it!! ;)


  14. jane1326 says

    This fudge was awesome. Only trouble was it didn't last very long. Will definitely be making it again. Everyone who tried it loved it.


    • thermofun says

      Yes I have the same trouble with it too Jane!! ;)


  15. J says

    Just about to try the for our grandma who loves tim tams. Just wondering if mc should be in or out?


    • thermofun says

      J - leave the MC in. General rule for all Thermomix recipes is that if the MC is not mentioned it remains in. :)
      I hope Grandma enjoys it! :)


  16. Sue says

    Just wondering do you have to put in the glucose, can you use a substitute?


    • thermofun says

      Sue I haven't tried it without it - however it could still work if you leave it out. Someone told me that my Oreo Cookie Fudge worked without it. If you try it without I'd love to hear how it goes.


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Thermofun - Tim Tam Fudge Recipe - ThermoFun | Thermomix Recipes & Tips (2025)
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