Truth Tables | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki (2024)

Mathematics normally uses a two-valued logic: every statement is either true or false. You use truth tables to determine how the truth or falsity of a complicated statement depends on the truth or falsity of its components.

Complex, compound statements can be composed of simple statements linked together with logical connectives (also known as "logical operators") similarly to how algebraic operators like addition and subtraction are used in combination with numbers and variables in algebra. Conjunction (AND), disjunction (OR), negation (NOT), implication (IF...THEN), and biconditionals (IF AND ONLY IF), are all different types of connectives.

Independent, simple components of a logical statement are represented by either lowercase or capital letter variables. These variables are "independent" in that each variable can be either true or false independently of the others, and a truth table is a chart of all of the possibilities. Therefore, if there are \(N\) variables in a logical statement, there need to be \(2^N\) rows in the truth table in order to list out all combinations of each variable being either true (T) or false (F). For example, if there are three variables, A, B, and C, then the truth table with have 8 rows:


Two simple statements can be converted by the word "and" to form a compound statement called the conjunction of the original statements. We use the symbol \(\wedge \) to denote the conjunction. If \(p\) and \(q\) are two simple statements, then \(p \wedge q\) denotes the conjunction of \(p\) and \(q\) and it is read as "\(p\) and \(q\)." \(_\square\)

The truth table for the conjunction \(p \wedge q\) of two simple statements \(p\) and \(q\):

  • The statement \(p \wedge q\) has the truth value T whenever both \(p\) and \(q\) have the truth value T.
  • The statement \(p \wedge q\) has the truth value F whenever either \(p\) or \(q\) or both have the truth value F.

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Two simple statements can be converted by the word "or" to form a compound statement called the disjunction of the original statements. We use the symbol \(\vee \) to denote the disjunction. If \(p\) and \(q\) are two simple statements, then \(p\vee q\) denotes the disjunction of \(p\) and \(q\) and it is read as "\(p\) or \(q\)." \(_\square\)

The truth table for the disjunction of two simple statements:

  • The statement \(p\vee q\) has the truth value T whenever either \(p\) and \(q\) or both have the truth value T.
  • The statement has the truth value F if both \(p\) and \(q\) have the truth value F.

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An assertion that a statement fails or denial of a statement is called the negation of a statement. The negation of a statement is generally formed by introducing the word "no" at some proper place in the statement or by prefixing the statement with "it is not the case" or "it is false that." The negation of statement \(p\) is denoted by "\(\neg p.\)" \(_\square\)

Truth table for \(\neg p\):

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Negation of Compound Statements

a) Negation of a conjunction
\(\hspace{1cm}\)The negation of a conjunction \(p \wedge q\) is the disjunction of the negation of \(p\) and the negation of \(q:\) \[\neg (p \wedge q) = {\neg p} \vee {\neg q}.\]

b) Negation of a disjunction
\(\hspace{1cm}\) The negation of a disjunction \(p \vee q\) is the conjunction of the negation of \(p\) and the negation of \(q:\) \[\neg (p \vee q) ={\neg p} \wedge {\neg q}.\]

c) Negation of a negation
\(\hspace{1cm}\) The negation of a negation of a statement is the statement itself: \[\neg (\neg p) \equiv p.\]

Two statements, when connected by the connective phrase "if... then," give a compound statement known as an implication or a conditional statement.

If \(p\) and \(q\) are two statements, then it is denoted by \(p \Rightarrow q\) and read as "\(p\) implies \(q\)." Here \(p\) is called the antecedent, and \(q\) the consequent. \(_\square\)

The truth table for the implication \(p \Rightarrow q\) of two simple statements \(p\) and \(q:\)

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That is, \(p \Rightarrow q\) is false \(\iff\)(if and only if) \(p =\text{True}\) and \(q =\text{False}.\)

Mr. and Mrs. Tan have five children--Alfred, Brenda, Charles, Darius, Eric--who are assumed to be of different ages.

  1. If Charles is not the oldest, then Alfred is.

  2. If Eric is not the youngest, then Brenda is.

  3. If Darius is not the oldest, then he is immediately younger than Charles.

  4. If Alfred is older than Brenda, then Darius is the oldest.

Determine the order of birth of the five children given the above facts.

We let

  • \(a\) be the proposition that Charles isn't the oldest;
  • \(b\) be the proposition that Alfred is the oldest;
  • \(c\) be the proposition that Eric isn't the youngest;
  • \(d\) be the proposition that Brenda is the youngest;
  • \(e\) be the proposition that Darius isn't the oldest;
  • \(f\) be the proposition that Darius is just younger than Charles;
  • \(g\) be the proposition that Alfred is older than Brenda.

From statement 1, \(a \rightarrow b\).
From statement 2, \(c \rightarrow d\).
From statement 3, \(e \rightarrow f\).
From statement 4, \(g \rightarrow \neg e\), where \(\neg e\) denotes the negation of \(e\).

Note that if Alfred is the oldest \((b)\), he is older than all his four siblings including Brenda, so \(b \rightarrow g\). Since \(g \rightarrow \neg e\) (statement 4), \(b \rightarrow \neg e\) by transitivity. But if we have \(b,\) which means Alfred is the oldest, it follows logically that \(e\) because Darius cannot be the oldest (only one person can be the oldest). Translating this, we have \(b \rightarrow e\).

Hence, \((b \rightarrow e) \wedge (b \rightarrow \neg e) = (\neg b \vee e) \wedge (\neg b \vee \neg e) = \neg b \vee (e \wedge \neg e) = \neg b \vee C = \neg b,\) where \(C\) denotes a contradiction. The only possible conclusion is \(\neg b\), where Alfred isn't the oldest. From statement 1, \(a \rightarrow b\), so by modus tollens, \(\neg b \rightarrow \neg a\). Hence Charles is the oldest.

Note that by pure logic, \(\neg a \rightarrow e\), where Charles being the oldest means Darius cannot be the oldest. From statement 4, \(g \rightarrow \neg e\), so by modus tollens, \(e = \neg(\neg e) \rightarrow \neg g\). From statement 3, \(e \rightarrow f\), so by modus ponens, our deduction \(e\) leads to another deduction \(f\). With \(f\), since Charles is the oldest, Darius must be the second oldest.

Since \(g\) means Alfred is older than Brenda, \(\neg g\) means Alfred is younger than Brenda since they can't be of the same age. Since there is someone younger than Brenda, she cannot be the youngest, so we have \(\neg d\). Since \(c \rightarrow d\) from statement 2, by modus tollens, \(\neg d \rightarrow \neg c\). Hence Eric is the youngest.

Considering all the deductions in bold, the only possible order of birth is Charles, Darius, Brenda, Alfred, Eric. \(_\square\)

Biconditional logic is a way of connecting two statements, \(p\) and \(q\), logically by saying, "Statement \(p\) holds if and only if statement \(q\) holds." In mathematics, "if and only if" is often shortened to "iff" and the statement above can be written as

\[p \equiv q.\]

The truth table for biconditional logic is as follows:

\[ \begin{align}{\color{Blue} \textbf{p}} &&{\color{Blue} \textbf{q}} &&{\color{Blue} p \equiv q} \\\text{T} &&\text{T} &&\text{T} \\\text{T} &&\text{F} &&\text{F} \\\text{F} &&\text{T} &&\text{F} \\\text{F} &&\text{F} &&\text{T}\end{align} \]

This can be interpreted by considering the following statement:

I go for a run if and only if it is Saturday. This combines both of the following:

  • If it is Saturday, I go for a run.
  • If I go for a run, it will be a Saturday. (Or "I only run on Saturdays.")

These are consistent only when the two statements "I go for a run today" and "It is Saturday" are both true or both false, as indicated by the above table.

Truth tables are often used in conjunction with logic gates. A few common examples are the following:

  • Inverter
  • Buffer
  • AND
  • OR
  • NAND
  • NOR
  • XOR
  • XNOR

For example, the truth table for the AND gate OUT = A & B is given as follows:

\[ \begin{align}{\color{Blue} \textbf{A}} &&{\color{Blue} \textbf{B}} &&{\color{Blue} \textbf{OUT}} \\\text{0} &&\text{0} &&0 \\\text{0} &&\text{1} &&0 \\\text{1} &&\text{0} &&0 \\\text{1} &&\text{1} &&1 \\\end{align} \]

The truth table for the XOR gate OUT \(= A \oplus B\) is given as follows:

\[ \begin{align}{\color{Blue} \textbf{A}} &&{\color{Blue} \textbf{B}} &&{\color{Blue} \textbf{OUT}} \\\text{0} &&\text{0} &&0 \\\text{0} &&\text{1} &&1 \\\text{1} &&\text{0} &&1 \\\text{1} &&\text{1} &&0 \\\end{align} \]


When combining arguments, the truth tables follow the same patterns. It is simplest but not always best to solve these by breaking them down into small componentized truth tables.

\((p \rightarrow q ) \wedge (q \vee p)\)

p \rightarrow q||p||row 1 col 2||q||||row 2 col 1||row 2 col 2||row 2 col 1||row 2 col 2||

Truth Tables | Brilliant Math & Science Wiki (2024)


What level of math is truth tables? ›

A truth table is a mathematical table used in logic—specifically in connection with Boolean algebra, Boolean functions, and propositional calculus—which sets out the functional values of logical expressions on each of their functional arguments, that is, for each combination of values taken by their logical variables.

What is the logic behind truth tables? ›

A truth table provides a method for mapping out the possible truth values in an expression and to determine their outcomes. The table includes a column for each variable in the expression and a row for each possible combination of truth values. It also includes a column that shows the outcome of each set of values.

Who is the father of truth table? ›

It has been suggested that Russell and or Wittgenstein arrived at a truth-table device in or around 1912 [Shosky 1997], and that, since the history of its devel- opment is so complex, the best one can claim is that theirs may be the first identifiably ascribable example.

What is the truth table theory? ›

A truth table shows how the truth or falsity of a compound statement depends on the truth or falsity of the simple statements from which it's constructed. So we'll start by looking at truth tables for the five logical connectives.

What is the formula for truth table? ›

To construct the truth table, first break the argument into parts. This includes each proposition, its negation (if part of the argument), and each connective. The number of parts there are is how many columns are needed. For this example, we have p, q, p → q , ( p → q ) ∧ p , [ ( p → q ) ∧ p ] → q .

Are truth tables proofs? ›

In the end, truth tables convey all the information you need, so they are proofs. However, you can always simplify expressions using rules, so drawing up a truth table always seems a little elaborate.

What does v mean in truth tables? ›

the wedge (v) is used to represent any word that joins two disjuncts, most frequently representing the word “or” in an inclusive sense (that is, the inclusive “or” asserts that at least one disjunct is true, while the exclusive “or” asserts that at least one disjunct is true, but not both are true) the tilde (~) is ...

What is p and q in a truth table? ›

In conditional statements, "If p then q" is denoted symbolically by "p q"; p is called the hypothesis and q is called the conclusion. For instance, consider the two following statements: If Sally passes the exam, then she will get the job.

What is the goal of a truth table? ›

The purpose of the truth table is to determine all the conditions of truth and falsity for the given logical statement.

What is an example of a tautology in math? ›

In mathematical logic, a tautology (from Ancient Greek: ταυτολογία) is a formula or assertion that is true in every possible interpretation. An example is "x=y or x≠y". Similarly, "either the ball is green, or the ball is not green" is always true, regardless of the colour of the ball.

Why is truth table called truth table? ›

A truth table is a tabular representation of all the combinations of values for inputs and their corresponding outputs. It is a mathematical table that shows all possible outcomes that would occur from all possible scenarios that are considered factual, hence the name.

What do the symbols mean in truth tables? ›

Symbols. The symbol ∧ is used for and: A and B is notated A∧B A ∧ B . The symbol ∨ is used for or: A or B is notated A∨B. The symbol ∼ is used for not: not A is notated ∼A. You can remember the first two symbols by relating them to the shapes for the union and intersection.

Which philosopher invented truth tables? ›

Truth tables were invented by philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. He invented them to accompany the calculus into which modern analytic philosophers had transformed logic.

What does arrow mean in truth table? ›

The arrow "→" is the conditional operator, and in p→q the statement p is called the antecedent, or hypothesis, and q is called the consequent, or conclusion.

What is the truth table class 11? ›

The truth table is a type of mathematical table which gives the necessary breakdown of the logical function by listing all the possible values that the function will attain.

What are truth sets in math? ›

truth set. noun. : a set in mathematics or logic that contains all the elements which when substituted into a given statement make it true. the equation x + 7 = 10 has as its truth set the single number 3.

What kind of truth is mathematics? ›

Mathematics is absolute truth only to the extent that the axioms allow it to be absolutely true, and we can never know if the axioms themselves are true, because unlike theorems which can be proved using previous theorems or axioms, axioms rest on the validity of human observation.

What is truth table in mathematics in the modern world? ›

A truth table is a mathematical object that is used to test if a statement is true or false.

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Name: Domingo Moore

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