Professor John Wiggers
Professor John Wiggers
Research Program:
Public Health
Research Topics:
Effective Health Services, Healthy Lifestyles
2017Project Grant |
2016HMRI Award for Research Excellence |
2013Project Grant |
2013Project Grant |
2012Project Grant |
2011Project Grant |
2010Project Grant |
2010Project Grant |
2010Project Grant |
2009Project Grant |
2008Project Grant |
2007Project Grant |
2000Project Grant |
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What are your research interests?
The majority of today's health problems are able to be prevented by changing the behaviours of individuals and of organisations. The most common preventable risks to the health of individuals and communities are tobacco smoking, inadequate nutrition, risky alcohol consumption, and inadequate physical activity. My research is focused on identifying ways of building the capacity of community organisations - schools, health care services, non-government services, licensed premises and workplaces to contribute to reducing the prevalence of such risks by modifying their care, service delivery and organisational policies and practices.
Why did you get into research?
The demand for better health is insatiable and the opportunities for achieving this are endless. Many of these opportunities lie directly in front of us. People require the support of others to improve their health and wellbeing. We need to build the capacity of the broader community to provide this support in direct and indirect ways. Despite this need, little is known about how to go about achieving this. Solving this challenge is my goal.
What would be the ultimate goal for your research?
All schools, health care services, non-government services, licensed premises, workplaces etc in the Hunter New England region contributing to reducing tobacco smoking and risky alcohol consumption and promoting healthy nutrition and physical activity.
Brief Profile
Professor John Wiggers is a population health researcher, practitioner and policy maker. As a Professor in the School of Medicine and Public Health, he leads an integrated team of researchers and research practitioners involved in implementation research relating to the prevention of tobacco and alcohol-related harms and the prevention of obesity.
As Director of Hunter New England Population Health, heleads the delivery of population health services to the 880,000 residents of the Hunter New England Region of NSW. Professor Wiggers, in various positions in the NSW Ministry of Health and other organisations, has contributed to the development of various policies and programs relating to the prevention of tobacco and alcohol-related harms and overweight and obesity.
Specialised/Technical Skills
- Behavioural scientist
- Primary and secondary prevention of chronic disease risks(smoking, nutrition, alcohol consumption, physical inactivity)
- Randomised controlled trials and complex community interventions
- Implementation scientist
- Health promotion practitioner
- Professor, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Newcastle
- Director, Priority Centre for Health Behaviour, University of Newcastle
- Co-Director, Population Health Capacity Building Program, HMRI
- Director, Population Health, Hunter New England Local Health District
- Member, Expert Advisory Group, NSW Premier's Priority for Reducing Child Obesity
- Board Adviser, Australian Drug Foundation
- Board Member, Australian Centre Agricultural Health and Safety
- Member, HMRI Research Council
Impact of a uniform intervention on girl’s physical activity
Dr Nicole Nathan, A/Prof Luke Wolfenden, Dr Rachel Sutherland, Dr Sze Lin Yoong, Prof John Wiggers
Research indicates that many school-aged children, in particularly girls, are not sufficiently active.Girls are less active than boyswith differences beginning from as young as 8 years. Improving physical activity, particularly among girls, has been identified as a public health priority.
Award for Research Excellence - John Wiggers
Professor John Wiggers
The Quit-STAIR: A randomised controlled trial of a proactive stepped approach for maximising uptake of evidence-based smoking cessation support.
Associate Professor Christine Paul, Flora Tzelepis, John Wiggers, Patrick McElduff, Jenny Knight
Tobacco use is responsible for more than 5 million deaths per year globally.
Healthy Schools, Healthy Futures
John Wiggers, Elizabeth Campbell, Luke Wolfenden, Jennifer Bowman, Megan Fruend
The project aims to reduce the number of disadvantaged adolescents across the Hunter New England region from taking up smoking and using alcohol and illict drugs.
Healthy Schools, Healthy Futures
John Wiggers,Elizabeth Campbell, Luke Wolfenden, Jennifer Bowman, Megan Fruend
Healthy Schools, Healthy Futures
John Wiggers,Elizabeth Campbell, Luke Wolfenden, Jennifer Bowman, Megan Fruend
Healthy Schools, Healthy Futures
John Wiggers, Elizabeth Campbell, Luke Wolfenden, Jennifer Bowman, Megan Fruend
Pilot of an intervention to increase the provision of nicotine dependence treatment in mental health inpatient settings
Ms Paula Wye, John Wiggers, Jenny Bowman, Amanda Baker, Megan Freund
A randomised controlled trial of an intervention to increase child physical activity during attendance at childcare
Dr Luke Wolfenden, John Wiggers, Phil Morgan, Megan Freund
Effectiveness of an intervention disigned to reduce alcohol-related harm associated with licensed premises in Newcastle
Dr John Wiggers,P McElduff, M Freund, K Gillham, E d'Espaignet
Integrated Smoking Care Linking Mental Health Inpatients to Community Services: a Pilot Study
Associate Professor John Wiggers,Associate Professor J Bowman, Associate Professor AmandaBaker
Followup of non-participant to a smoking cessation intervention trial; tracking quitting-related attitudes, behaviours, and hard-core status
Dr Christine Paul,Dr John Wiggers
Preventing infant exposure to tobacco smoke: evaluation of an early childhood intervention
Dr John Wiggers,Ms R Considine
- Public Health
- Effective Health Services
- Healthy Lifestyles
- WHO and Hunter researchers join forces
- New tool to tackle childhood obesity
- Researchers shine in excellence awards
- Good for Kids … good for national award
- World-first sports club study curbs risky drinking
- $4.4 Million Funding to Improve Cancer Care and Prevention
- ARC study to investigate effects of the web on community clubs
- Major partnership to focus on anti social behaviour