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CARL JOHN WIGGERSMay 28, 1 883-A pril 29, 1963BY EUGENE M. LANDISWHENEVER HISTORIANS of science deal with the developmentof physiology and medicine in the United States, they givespecial significance to the period 1900-1950. At the turn of thecentury, physiology was beginning its growth in this country asa science in its own right and as a discipline useful to medicineand surgery. The life and contributions of Carl John Wiggerscoincide almost precisely with this period. In 1901 he enteredmedical school with the customary aim of becoming a physician.Almost at once he attracted the attention of his professors inthe preclinical sciences. Stimulated and encouraged by them,he became interested in physiological research and enhancedthat interest by advanced study abroad. Upon his return to theUnited States, he became a member of a small but importantgroup of leaders who developed highly individual and produc-tive research laboratories in several medical schools and inseveral specialties of physiology.Carl Wiggers's chief location was the medical school ofWestern Reserve University for thirty-five years (1918-1953),and his lifelong interest was cardiovascular physiology. Twogenerations of physiologists and clinicians were stimulated tofollow research careers because of his influence as teacher, pre-ceptor in research, lecturer, author, and editor. He was promi-nent among those who formulated the physiological principles363

364BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRSthat underlie many of the recent, often spectacular, advancesin the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Hewas elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences in1951.Carl John Wiggers was born in Davenport, Iowa, on May28, 1883. He was the first of two children; a younger sister diedin childhood. His father, Jurgen Wiggers, accompanied by abrother, John, had left the limited prospects of a small familyfarm in the duchy of Holstein to seek opportunity in thiscountry. To pay their passage across the Atlantic, they servedas sailors and in 1876 arrived in New York as immigrants.Jurgen, during a period of orientation, worked his way west asfar as Colorado through temporary farm jobs and even someunsuccessful prospecting for gold. He subsequently returnedeastward to Scott County, Iowa, and settled in Davenport.There, in 1882, he met and married Anna Margaretha Kundel,whose family had also emigrated from Holstein. Eventually,Jurgen Wiggers became manager of a social club called Lahr-mann's Halle, which resembled the celebrated Ratskellern ofGermany and was a favorite rendezvous of professional and busi-ness men in the downtown area of Davenport. In his autobiog-raphy Carl Wiggers describes how his father, while still inHolstein, had aspired to an education in law or even medicine.For the father these ambitions could not be fulfilled; but theson received parental encouragement for education toward aprofession, in addition to the usual German domestic traditionsand thrift.Carl Wiggers attended elementary and high schools in Dav-enport. Before he went to high school, his parents required thathe have in mind aims for a specific vocation or profession. Tokeep within the family's limited resources, he chose pharmacy.In high school his teachers of chemistry, physics, and zoologyprovided special stimulation to young Wiggers; and he, aneager student, proved especially interesting to them. They took

CARL J OHN WIGGERS365"every opportunity to discuss his future aspirations and tactfullyawakened the idea" that he should aim for medicine rather thanpharmacy. In a carefully reasoned comparison between thenewer Johns Hopkins medical school (college degree required)and the slightly older medical school of the University of Michi-gan (high school diploma then still sufficient), Wiggers chosethe latter. In his choice he noted that he really couldn't affordfour years of college, that the organization and curricula of thetwo schools seemed similar, and, more significantly, that JohnsHopkins, in developing its own medical faculty, had, in fact,chosen three of its professors from Michigan's faculty.Early in medical school at Ann Arbor, Wiggers must haveshown again some qualities that attracted the immediate inter-est of his first professors. His initial intentions to prepare forpublic health work, or for practice in obstetrics and pediatrics,gave way to curiosity concerning physiology and research. Heascribed this change, first, to an "experiment in education" byProfessor Warren P. Lombard, which involved a "researchproblem" assigned to students in the final weeks of their coursein physiology. Second, this was followed by Professor Arthur A.Cushny's emphasis on the physiological actions of drugs. And,third, Lombard offered Wiggers a paid student assistantship inphysiology that continued until he received his M.D. in 1906.He was then promoted to an instructorship in physiology, whichhe held from 1907 to 1911.His publications began while he was a medical student. In1905 he described the action of adrenalin on the cerebral bloodvessels and demonstrated his findings at the American Physio-logical Society meeting in Ann Arbor that same year. At thismeeting he also heard reports and observed demonstrations bywell-known investigators such as Macleod, Brodie, Erlanger, andY. Henderson. By his own account the stimulation from infor-mal conversations with these and other physiologists firmlyestablished his interest in physiology as a career. In the thirteen

366BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRSpapers that Wiggers published from 1905 to 191 1, he describedthe responses of cerebral, coronary, and pulmonary blood ves-sels to electrical or chemical stimulation; presented an improvedapparatus for measuring blood flow; and reported studies onhemorrhage with particular emphasis on the ineffectiveness, oreven harmfulness, of adrenalin injections. As a group, thesepapers present a general preview of areas and topics that Wit erscontinued to study in greater depth for forty years. His chieflifelong interest, cardiac physiology, became obvious severalyears later.In 1907 Carl Wipers married Minerva E. Berry, a juniormedical student and thus, as he worded it, "two careers—onescientific, the other domestic—were launched almost simulta-neously," and their "coexistence proved facilitatory and salu-tary." This was verified many times over by his wife's assistanceas part-time secretary and by her understanding companionshipand help during long hours of research and writing. They hadtwo sons, both of whom became eminent. One, Harold, becamehimself a Professor of Physiology and later, in 1953, Dean ofMedicine at Albany Medical College. The other, Raymond,entered the field of industrial advertising and became an awardwinner in that area. In later years a lifelong habit of hospitalityand personal interest enlarged the social boundaries of theWiggers family and home to include research fellows, juniorstaff members, colleagues, and visitors from other laboratoriesand countries. It is significant that in 1952 the affection of thislarger family was expressed by their establishing at WesternReserve University a joint honor entitled "The Minerva andCarl Wiggers Annual Prize in Physiology."In 1907, during his first year as an Instructor, Wiggers wasgiven the responsibility for a didactic and demonstration coursein physiology for dental students, who had become seriouslydiscontented with Professor Lombard's offerings. In this firstcourse, he revealed his conviction that, if subject matter was

CARL JOHN WIGGERS367chosen wisely, basic courses could be made not only valuable tostudents but also interesting. In describing the results of thisfirst responsibility for teaching, he made the modest and gentlyhumorous appraisal that "the attitude of dental students towardphysiology was changed; it no longer was regarded as an ordealbut as a satisfaction, if not exactly a pleasure." The course led tothe publication in 1914 of his first book, ~4 Brief Text ofPhysiology.An important career decision was made by Wiggers early inhis instructorship. To supplement their low salaries, membersof basic science departments were allowed, and even encouraged,to engage in limited practice of medicine. A brief test of suchpart-time clinical work led him to conclude that it was hinder-ing, not helping, his academic career, and reinforced his deci-sion to make physiology his sole activity. In 1910 ProfessorLombard took a sabbatical year to study abroad, and Wiggersbecame acting head of the department. He mentioned later thatit was helpful to learn at an early age the nature of administra-tive work. At this time, with the advice of A. W. Hewlett, thenew Professor of Medicine, he used some hours in the basicphysiology course to demonstrate to first-year students howphysiologic information could be applied to clinical problemsand help interpret the signs and symptoms of disease in patients.During this period Wiggers found that his studies werebeing limited by the unreliability of the pressure recorclers thenavailable to physiologists. Professor Hewlett told him of theoptical recording methods devised by Professor Otto Frank inMunich, and Wiggers promptly arranged, through Lombard,then in Europe, for a year of study abroad. But this had to bepostponed to 1912 and abbreviated to a spring and summer be-cause, on the recommendation of W. H. Howell of JohnsHopkins, Graham Lusk invited him to come to Cornell MedicalSchool in New York as Instructor of Physiology. It was agreed,however, that after a few months at Cornell, he would have a

368BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRSleave of absence for study with Professor Frank at the Physio-logical Institute of Ludwig-Maximilian University. Arrivingthere in May 1912, Wiggers found that, as a representative ofLusk's group, he was granted exceptional privileges in observingthe optical equipment and methods that the usually reserved,even secretive, Otto Frank was developing in his laboratory formeasuring rapidly and accurately not only blood pressures, butalso pulse contours and rates of blood flow. By some additionalvisits elsewhere, Wiggers also gained a "traveller's acquaintancewith other laboratories in Europe."When Wiggers returned to New York in the summer of1912, his research interests were not limited to physiology, butcontinued to include cardiovascular disease also. To learn moreabout the latter, he devoted one morning each week to attend-ing ward rounds in Bellevue Hospital. He kept improving thereflecting mirror manometer of Otto Frank and devised a mobileunit that brought his equipment into use at the bedside. Hewas promoted to Assistant Professor of Physiology in 1913. Hisresearch from 1912 to 1918 dealt with many areas of cardio-vascular function but began to deal increasingly with an analy-sis of cardiac function, normal and abnormal. Early in thisperiod he published the first optically recorded pressure pulsesin the pulmonary arteries of dogs through cannulas inserted di-rectly. These records, together with Otto Frank's studies of thecentral arterial pulse in the aorta, permitted comparisons ofpressure levels in the lesser and greater arterial circulations. In1917 he compared the timing of pressure changes in the heartchambers with the contractions of heart muscle and with theelectrocardiogram. He was thus in a position to amplify thefindings of Thomas Lewis (later Sir) in London, who was chal-lenging Einthoven's view that the electrical and mechanicalevents of cardiac contraction were simultaneous. These observa-tions indicated that electrical events preceded the contraction ofheart muscle and were a measure of the progressive conduction

CARL JOHN WIGGERS369of the excitation process throughout the heart. With clinicalco-workers in Bellevue Hospital, he studied atrial fibrillation,analyzed the supraclavicular venous pulse in man, and beganregistering heart sounds. Even at this early stage he was con-vinced that physiologists should at intervals describe in reviewform the status of ongoing research in order to keep clinicianswell informed. His second book, Modern Aspects of the Circula-tion in Health and Disease, published in 1915, was such a prog-ress report. It was a monograph that described, with examples,the usefulness of newer methods in the clinical diagnosis andtreatment of cardiovascular diseases as seen in hospital practice.He was always a vigorous supporter of the view that advancesin medicine and surgery must be based upon an investigativeand basically physiologic approach to disease.In 1917-1918 the entry of the United States into WorldWar I presented a new series of cardiovascular problems, rang-ing from cardiac-fitness examinations in draftees, through neu-rocirculatory asthenia or "soldier's heart" in stressed individuals,to the physiologic principles underlying the diagnosis andtreatment of hemorrhage and shock in the severely wounded. In1918 Wiggers served on a medical appeal board and used hisexperience with electrocardiography to help adjudicate in casesof draftees when physical fitness was disputed. At this time, too,he became a member of a National Research Council Committeeon Shock. Sir Thomas Lewis invited him to come abroad toshare in a study of neurocirculatory asthenia, but he had todecline, chiefly because Graham Lusk was on leave for warresearch abroad, and again he was acting chairman of a depart-ment. However, as a "Contract Surgeon" in U.S. Army GeneralHospital #9, he spent a short time during the summer of 1918in a research laboratory, headed by Professor Francis W. Pea-body from Harvard, for the purpose of studying cardiac dis-abilities in draftees and soldiers.With all this in progress, and during a meeting of the Com-

370BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRSmittee on Shock in Baltimore, Torald Sollman, Professor ofPharmacology at Western Reserve Medical School, told Wiggersthat J. I. R. Macleod, then Professor of Physiology at WesternReserve, had decided to accept a position with the Universityof Toronto, and then urged him to consider accepting the vacantprofessorship beginning with the autumn term of 1918. Wiggersaccepted, but only after making sure that he could arrangematters at Cornell so that Graham Lusk would be inconve-nienced as little as possible by his leaving.Thus in 1918, and at age thirty-five, Wiggers began to estab-lish in Cleveland his own center of cardiovascular research, firstin a small loft of the older medical building, and then from1924 onward, in a separate floor of a new medical building inwhich the physiology department had more space and facilitiesas planned by Wiggers himself. The problems of new equip-ment, staff, courses for students, and budgetary matters wereburdensome at times but did not perceptibly interrupt hisresearch and publications. During the thirty-five years from1918 to 1953, almost every part, and almost every physiologicalfunction, of the heart and blood vessels were the direct or indi-rect topics of some study by Carl Wiggers or by his manygraduate students and co-workers. Approximately 400 paperswere published from the laboratories that Wiggers establishedand supervised. In matters of authorship and credit, he wasagain characteristically generous. In over half of these papers,his colleagues and students were granted sole authorship. Wig-gers believed firmly that beginning investigators deserved soleauthorship of papers dealing with their work, even though thehead of a laboratory may have given essential assistance in ideas,advice, and editing. Wiggers also published a total of sevenbooks in editions ranging from one to five.To do justice to the content of all these papers and books isimpossible in any brief memoir. It is fortunate that Wiggerswrote in 1958 an autobiography entitled Reminiscences and

CARL J OHN WIGGERS371Adventures in Circulation Research. That book provides a de-tailed, chronological account of the questions that prompted hisresearch, his development of suitable equipment, and his ex-periments and results. Descriptions of successes are balanced byfrank discussion of failures, oversights, and those second thoughtsthat increasing experience and new facts produced. In thisbrief memoir it is more appropriate to describe a few of the mainlineages of ideas that determined the major pathways andmethods used by Wiggers in his researches.One of the earliest of these lineages dealt with analyzing theinterrelations of electrocardiographic, excitatory, contractile,and hemodynamic events during the cardiac cycle. This was noteasy, because in the early 1900s it was necessary to import almostall research equipment of any intricacy from instrument makersabroad, and at great expense. When Wiggers began working inCleveland, conditions were improving, but it was still necessaryfor him to establish a departmental workshop to produce hisown improved optical manometers for recording pressures orsound, as well as cardiometers and flowmeters for volume mea-surements. Moreover, each of these devices had in the past beenused separately by individual investigators and usually for lim-ited and special problems. Most difficult of all was the task ofobtaining the best possible string galvanometers for electro-cardiography, but this, too, was accomplished. In viewing the· ,=future of cardiac research, Winders saw that:". . . by aligning such a galvanometer with optical recordersfor pressure, muscular contraction and heart sounds, the inter-relations of electric and contractile events in the heart could bedetermined more accurately than before. This problem was—and remains—one of cardiologic as well as scientific interest, forit is basic to the usefulness of electrocardiographic interpretationof impulse conduction."Each of the new instruments presented technical problems,and combining several devices produced a really formidable

372BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRSchallenge. Nevertheless, Wiggers collected the data necessary toproduce a graphic summary that correlated the dynamic, me-chanical, acoustic, and electrocardiographic events during thenormal cardiac cycle, lasting approximately 0.9 seconds. As achart this summary became a standard textbook figure and wasreprinted in reviews and books dealing with physiology, electro-cardiography, and cardiology in general. It is still used as adiagram upon which new data, such as single-cell membraneaction potentials, can easily be added.In 1921 Wiggers wished to measure more accurately theeffects on the cardiac cycle of changing venous return, as inmuscular exercise, and of aortic pressure, as in hypertension. Itwas necessary to subdivide ventricular systole and diastole intosmaller and more precise units. Eventually eight phases wereidentified: isometric contraction, maximal ejection, reducedejection, protodiastole, isometric relaxation, rapid inflow, diasta-sis, and atrial systole. The beginning and end of each phase wasdefined precisely by relevant simultaneous changes of bloodpressure levels in the left ventricle, aorta, or atrium; by small,more detailed changes in the configuration of the pressurepulses; and by heart sounds. Also, for each phase, the normalrange of duration was measured. This subdivision of the cardiaccycle was also widely used in physiology and cardiology. More-over, from these studies developed a second lineage of problems,ideas, and research.During experiments on the exposed heart, Wiggers had beenimpressed with its great resistance to drastic manipulations andeven injury. "However, it happened far too often that the thrustof a cannula or stylus through the ventricular walls was followedby irreversible fibrillation whose occurrence could not be re-lated to the region involved, the nutrition or dynamic state ofthe ventricles, or to the age of the animal. The hazard ofterminating an experiment by fibrillation was materially in-creased when strong shocks were applied during systole...."

CARL J OHN WIGGERS373He tried many expedients to diminish the incidence of ventricu-lar fibrillation but results were discouraging.In the 1920s, as electrical appliances in home and industrybecame more numerous, so had also the deaths of users byaccidental electrocution from faulty wiring. After a "Conferenceon Electric Shock" in 1929, Professor W. H. Howell of JohnsHopkins asked Carl Wiggers to join efforts with Donald R.Hooker in exploring possible ways of restoring normal rhythmto hearts in which fibrillation had been produced by electriccurrents. Wiggers accepted, but with the cautious feeling thatthe most he "could hope for was some discovery that mightreduce the mortality rate of experimental animals."His first approach was a screening study to explore chemicalmethods of restoring normal cardiac rhythm. Although intra-ventricular injections of potassium chloride often made thefibrillating heart quiescent and calcium salts sometimes restoreda normal heartbeat, these effects were not consistent enough tobe satisfactory, even in experimental animals. After decidingthat not enough was known about the genesis of ventricularfibrillation, Wiggers and his group in 1930 used coordinatedcinematographic and electrocardiographic methods to study theearliest stages of the arrhythmia, which then emerged as anevolving process that progressed irregularly through four fairlycharacteristic, but often overlapping, stages. These might take afew to many minutes to develop fully from the first undulatingcontractions to the fourth, and longest, atonic stage, lasting fromtwenty to sixty minutes. Because this final atony did not developwhen the ventricles were perfused artificially with oxygenatedblood, Wiggers suggested that the final lethal flaccidity of un-perfused, fibrillating hearts could "probably be referred to fail-ure to reconstitute energy yielding material during the pro-gressing anoxia."In 1932 Kouwenhoven, Hooker, and Langworthy, whilestudying the distribution of electric current in the bodies of dogs,

374BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRStested and confirmed an almost forgotten statement publishedin 1899 by Prevost and Battelli to the effect that if ventricularfibrillation occurred it could be terminated by applying a strongelectric current to the heart. Wiggers had accumulated methodsand experience that placed him in an ideal position to providespeedy, additional confirmation of the beneficial effects ofcountershock, though he found it effective only when appliedwithin two or three minutes after induction of fibrillation. Inthe meantime, H. B. Williams and associates had also confirmedobservations by Wiggers that electric shocks during the "vulner-able period of the heart cycle" induced fibrillation and thatimmediate application of strong currents to the chest wall couldstop that fibrillation. As Wiggers expressed it, the problembecame one of "extending the period during which counter-shock could be effective after development of fibrillation."Success in doing this was "not a matter of chance; it resultedfrom a logical application of observations from contemporane-ous experiments...." These pointed to the conclusion "thatthe fibrillating ventricles lose their power of effective contrac-tion after 2 or 3 minutes, because they are deprived of oxygen-ated blood. The remedy apparently needed was a supply ofoxygen for the myocardium before application of countershock."In 1936 Wiggers suggested that gentle manual rhythmic com-pression of the ventricles be started as quickly as possible toraise arterial blood pressure and to restore blood flow throughthe coronary vessels in the heart muscle. When this maneuverwas continued until vigorous fibrillary movements were re-established, then countershock usually restored coordinatedventricular contractions. In addition, however, dogs with largerhearts often required "serial defibrillation," i.e., administrationof three to five brief shocks at intervals of two seconds to reachthe deeper lying parts of the ventricular wall. By 1940 he coulddemonstrate by means of these innovations that a dog could sur-vive if its heart were fibrillated and defibrillated reversiblyat will many times in succession. Over a decade elapsed,

CARL JOHN WIGGERS375however, before these principles were utilized clinically in theemergency treatment of ventricular fibrillation in patients. Dur-ing this time he and his co-workers continued to study in thelaboratory many related topics, including quantitative fibrilla-tion thresholds, fibrillation following induced coronary occlu-sion, effects of type of current and voltage, and actions of drugs.Collectively, these research reports form an essential part of thephysiologic foundation that supports modern cardiac resuscita-tion and defibrillation, cardiac monitoring, and pacemakers, aswell as the feasibility and relative safety of "elective cardiacarrest" in open-heart surgery.In still another lineage of interlocking experiments, Wig-gers and his students dealt with the hemodynamics and controlof blood flow through the heart and past its valves, through adistensible aorta, and through a branching system of peripheralvessels, including especially the coronary arteries in the heartmuscle itself. The number and ramifications of these experi-ments defy any brief summary. They included studies on theenergetics and biophysics of the heart as a pump, wave forms inthe aorta and its branches, and peripheral resistance to bloodflow through arteries and arterioles. His interest in abnormal-ities such as valvular lesions, arteriosclerosis, and hemorrhagecan be traced back to his instructor days at Michigan, andespecially to his hours on the wards of Bellevue Hospital, inNew York. His experiments were sometimes analytic—e.g., cen-tral and peripheral pulse wave forms, factors determining coro-nary blood flow, accuracy of blood pressure measurement inanimals and man—and sometimes integrative—e.g., his classifica-tion of stages in severe hemorrhage and ensuing shock. Thewider implications of these integrations are found in his sevenbooks: Modern Aspects of the Circulation in Health and Disease(two editions, 1915 and 1923), Pressure Pulses in the Cardio-vascular System (1928), Principles and Practice of Electrocardi-ography (1929), Physiology in Health and Disease (five editions,1934 to 1949), Physiology of Shock (1950), Circulatory Dynam-

376BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRSics: Physiologic Studies (1952), and Reminiscences and Adven-tures in Circulation Research (1958~.In whatever he did Carl Wiggers was always ready to de-scribe clearly and unequivocally his basic principles and con-victions. For instance, he emphasized repeatedly that an idealdepartment of physiology in a medical school had three main[unctions: first, to offer medical students the broadest possibleeducation in physiology and its importance for medicine; sec-ond, to contribute actively and regularly to physiologicalknowledge by research; and, third, to educate and train experi-menters and teachers for both physiology and medicine.In the course of accomplishing the first two objectives, asalready summarized above, Wiggers provided an exceptionallygood environment for the third. In his thirty-five years atWestern Reserve, his department provided direct research ex-perience for almost 200 individuals. By 1953 his alumni in-cluded a score of professors of physiology or heads of closelyaffiliated research laboratories. Among these were research cen-ters, almost as eminent as the parent one, in special topics suchas coronary blood flow, membrane action potentials in cardiacmuscle, peripheral resistance to regional blood flow, clinicalelectrocardiography, hemorrhage, and shock. Visiting studentscame from foreign countries and returned to important posi-tions in physiology or medicine abroad. One of them, CorneilleHeymans, from Belgium, received a Nobel Prize in 1930. Byconservative estimate almost a hundred young physicians andsurgeons held fellowships that gave them direct experience withthe principles of physiological research. In most instances thisadvanced work was related informally to research in progress,but in 1949 Wiggers felt that new conditions made a new train-. . —ng procedure appropriate.In 1945, the end of World War II began a period of ex-panded support for research. In addition, by 1947, clinicalinterest in catheterization technics for early diagnosis and

CARL J OHN WIGGERS377treatment of congenital cardiac defects and coronary arterydisease was growing faster than the supply of clinical investiga-tors. To meet this need Wiggers proposed a more formal"apprenticeship" program in cardiovascular research and writ-ing. Under the joint sponsorship of the American Heart Asso-ciation and the U.S. Public Health Service, and with thefacilities in his laboratories, he and his staff graduated abouttwenty "U.S.P.H.S. Training Course Fellows" during the threeyears from 1949 to 1952. These graduates brought to a numberof new clinical cardiology centers the skills and judgment of. . .experienced ~ Investigators.In developing this apprenticeship program, Wiggers empha-sized still another of his basic principles, namely that anyresearch effort is not complete until the results are carefullywritten, thoroughly edited, and promptly published in a formthat is both clear and useful to others. With characteristichumor he describes in his reminiscences how the critiques ofhis own first papers in 1905 by Professor W. P. Lombard seemeddevastating temporarily and then helpful eventually. In 1925Wiggers shared in founding the American Heart Journal, was amember of the original Advisory Editorial Board, and remaineda member until 1937. In 1952 he was only a year away fromretirement and accepted still another editorial challenge. TheAmerican Heart Association had adopted a policy of increasingsupport for basic research and found it timely to publish a newjournal that could emphasize a multidisciplinary approach tofundamental studies of the cardiovascular system. Wiggers wasasked to organize and edit this new journal, Circulation Re-search, with the first issue scheduled for 1953. He turned overthe administration of the Department of Physiology in 1952 toa newly appointed successor, Dr. George Sayers. He then ac-cepted an appointment as Honorary Professor of Physiologywith the Frank E. Bunts Educational Institute of Cleveland andorganized an editorial office in space provided by the Cleveland

378BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRSClinic. As the first editor of Circulation Research from 1953 to1958, he brought the new journal rapidly into a leading positionworldwide for reporting the results of basic research on heartand blood vessels. His editorials were widely quoted, andauthors accepted with gratitude the conscientious reviews andcriticisms that their papers received from him and his carefullychosen editorial board members.Among his duties as a physiologist, Wiggers also includedtravel to learn firsthand of outstanding work elsewhere, com-bined with lecturing to review for others recent advances inongoing research. During his thirty-five years in Cleveland, hemade several trips abroad to attend and address congresses andsymposia, with visits to laboratories added. In 1939 he wasinvited to lecture in Argentina and elsewhere in South America.For this he prepared by learning Spanish. Other invitations togive honorary lectures took him to Germany, Holland, England,and from coast to coast in the United States. Because Wiggershad many interests in both physiology and medicine, his mem-berships in scientific societies included a number in each cate-gory, with service as officer in many. His earliest and longestloyalty went to the American Physiological Society, where, inannual meetings for fifty years, he was a dependable source oflively discussion and admonitions to young and old investigators,delivered over his ever-present cigar and with a friendly humorto temper any incisive criticism. He served the Society as Sec-retary, Treasurer, and in 1949 as President. His other member-ships ranged from the American Society of Pharmacology andExperimental Therapeutics to the American College of Physi-cians, American Medical Association, American Heart Asso-ciation (Vice-President, 1947), and numerous cardiology groups,ranging from a local Cleveland area heart society (President,1955-1956) to the Inter-American Cardiological Society (Presi-dent, 1956~.Honors came to Carl Wiggers in abundance both in early

CARL J OHN WIGGERS379life and later, both at home and abroad. The gratitude andhomage of his many students and co-workers led to frequent"Anniversary Dinners" in his honor. These included annualgatherings during meetings of the American Physiological So-ciety and special testimonial dinners in Cleveland celebratinghis twentieth and twenty-fifth years there and his emeritus year,when his portrait was presented to Western Reserve MedicalSchool. The Circulation Group of the American PhysiologicalSociety grants annually to an outstanding physiologist its "CarlI. Wiggers Award and Lectureship." In 1951 an issue of thejournal Circulation was dedicated to him. In 1958 a group ofhis former pupils volunteered research papers that made upan entire number of Circulation Research to commemorate twoevents: first, the "retirement of Carl J. Wiggers after his fiveyears of devoted service as its first editor," and second, "theseventy-fifth birthday of this man, one of the surviving giantsof the legendary age of American physiology."Wiggers received honorary doctorates from his alma mater,the University of Michigan (1951~; the Royal Ludwig-Maxi-milian University of Munich, Germany (1952~; Free Universityof Brussels, Belgium (1956~; and Ohio State University (1958~.Honorary memberships in academies, professional societies, anduniversity faculties began at home with the Cleveland Academyof Medicine and included honors from many others in theUnited States, England, Mexico, and several countries in SouthAmerica. From the American Heart Association he received theGold Heart Award (1952) and the Albert Lasker Award (1955~.In both he was named "Dean of Cardiovascular Physiologists."Die Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Kreislaufforschung awarded himtheir Carl Ludwig Medal (1954) and the Royal Academy ofMedicine in Belgium awarded him their gold medal (1956~.Carl John Wiggers died suddenly at his home in Clevelandon April 29, 1963, one month short of his eightieth year. Hisdeath meant the loss of still another of that small group of

380BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRSbrilliant leaders in research who initiated and shaped the rapidgrowth of physiology in the United States during the first halfof this century. Not lost at all, but persisting unchanged, is thelasting heritage of his example, bestowed on everyone who hadthe privilege of associating with him. To quote from only oneof many paragraphs of eulogy and gratitude: "Author, pioneerresearch worker in cardiovascular physiology, his monument isthe host of great students sent into the world imbued with hisown philosophy and the values of precision, promptness, hardwork and thoroughness. All over the world his work will con-tinue in many other leading physiologists and physicians."WISH to express my special gratitude to Dr. Robert M. Berne forproviding the following bibliography prepared from departmentalrecords at Western Reserve University.

CARL JOHN WIGGERSBIBLIOGRAPHY381KEY TO ABBREFIA TIONSAlumni Bull. Sch. Med. Affil. Hosp. = Alumni Bulletin of the School ofMedicine and Affiliated Hospitals, Western Reserve UniversityAm. Heart I. = American Heart JournalAm. l. NIed. Sci. = American journal of Medical SciencesAm. I. Physiol. = American journal of PhysiologyAnn. Intern. Med. = Annals of Internal MedicineAnnul Rev. Physiol. = Annual Review of PhysiologyArch. Intern. Med. = Archives of Internal MedicineCirc. Res. = Circulation ResearchExp. Med. Surg. = Experimental Medicine and SurgeryFed. Proc. Am. Soc. Exp. Biol. = Federation Proceedings of the AmericanSociety for Experimental Biologyi. Am. Med. Assoc. = Journal of the American Medical AssociationI. Exp. Med. = journal of Experimental MedicineI. Lab. Clin. Med. = Journal of Laboratory and Clinical MedicineI. Phannacol. Exp. Ther. = Journal of Pharmacology and ExperimentalTherapeuticsPhysiol. Rev. = Physiological ReviewsProc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. = Proceedings of the Society for ExperimentalBiology and MedicineWest. Reserve Univ. Sch. Med. Clin. Bull. = Western Reserve UniversitySchool of Medicine Clinical Bulletin19~05Action of adrenalin on the cerebral vessels. Am. l. Physiol., 14:452-65.1907The innervation of the cerebral vessels as indicated by the action ofdrugs. Am. I. Physiol., 20:206-33.1908Some vasomotor changes in the cerebral vessels obtained by stimu-lating the carotid plexuses. Am. I. Physiol., 21:454-59.1909An improved outflow-recording apparatus. Am. i. Physiol., 23:23-27.The innervation of the coronary vessels. Am. i. Physiol., 24:391-405.Studies on inaccessible internal hemorrhages. I. The effect of adrena-lin on intestinal hemorrhage. Arch. Intern. Med., 3:139 58.

382BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRSStudies on inaccessible internal hemorrhages. II. The ineffectivenessof adrenalin in pulmonary hemorrhage. Arch. Intern. Med., 3:360-67.Action of adrenalin on the pulmonary vessels. l. Pharmacol. Exp.Ther., 1:341-48.-1910Prognostic significance of pulse pressure changes during hemorrhage.Arch. Intern. Med., 6:281-9~2.Comparative value of vasomotor drugs in renal hemorrhages. Arch.Intern. Med., 5: 348-60.1911The physiology of the pituitary gland and the action of its extracts.Am. I. Med. Sci., 141 :502-15.A physiological investigation of the treatment in hemoptysis. Arch.Intern. Med., 8: 17-38.The modifying influence of anemia on the actions of some well-known drugs. I. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 2:39~5 - 96.1912Studies on the pulmonary circulation. I. The pressure variations inthe pulmonary circulation of the dog studied by a new pulsepressure instrument. Am. I. Physiol., 30:233-57.With K. C. Eberly and H. J. Wenner. Pressor influence of augmentedbreathing. J. Exp. Med., 15: 174-200.1913With E. F. DuBois. Methods for the production of temporaryvalvular lesions. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 10:87 - 88.The pressure changes in the right ventricle studied by optically re-cording manometers. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 11: 11-12.1914The contour of the pressure curve in the pulmonary artery. Am. J.Physiol., 33: 1-12.Observations on the "effective" pressure in the right and left auricles.Am. J. Physiol., 33: 13-24.

CARL JOHN WIGGERS383Some factors controlling the shape of the pressure curve in the rightventricle. Am. i. Physiol., 33:382-96.The nature and causes of the respiratory pressure variations in thepulmonary artery. Am. J. Physiol., 35: 124-42.Pathologic physiology of the circulation during hemorrhage. Arch.Intern. Med., 14: 33~7.Further observations on the constricting actions of adrenaline on thecerebral vessels. Journal of Physiology (London), 48:109-12.The respiratory and cardiac variations of intrathoracic pressure andtheir significance in cardiac contraction. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol.Med., 11:53-54.The influence of the diaphragm descent on the movements of theheart. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 11: 107-8.Reflex vasodilation is not the cause of the collapsing pulse of aorticinsufficiency. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 12:55-56.A Brief Text of Physiology. Ann Arbor: George Wahr PublishingCo.1915Modern Aspects of the Circulation in Health and Disease. 1st ed.Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger. 376 pp.Studies on the pathological physiology of the heart. I. The intra-auricular, intraventricular and aortic pressure curves in auricularfibrillations. Arch. Intern. Med., 1 b: 77-9 1.Studies on the pathological physiology of the heart. II. The dynam-ics of aortic insufficiency. Arch Intern. Med., 16: 132-48.An adaptation of Frank's segment capsules for clinical use. l. Am.Med. Assoc., 64: 1305-6.The contour of the normal arterial pulse. l. Am. Med. Assoc., 64:1380-82.The supraclavicular venous pulse in man. l. Am. Med. Assoc., 64:1485-87.1916The auricular myogram and auricular systole. Am. l. Physiol., 40:218-29.The influence of the vagus nerves on the fractionate contraction ofthe right auricle. Am. i. Physiol., 42: 133-40.The time relations of auricular systole. Am. J. Physiol., 42:141-50.

384BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRS1917With A. L. Dean, in The principles and practice of registering heartsounds by direct method. Am. l. Med. Sci., 153:666-78.With A. L. Dean, in The nature and time relations of the funda-mental heart sounds. Am. l. Physiol., 42:476-97.The electrocardiogram: its relation to cardiodynamic events. Arch.Intern. Med., 20:93-102.With W. L. Niles. The details of the photographically recordedvenous pulse in auricular fibrillation. i. Exp. Med., 25:1-19.With W. L. Niles. The significance of the diastolic waves of the ve-nous pulse in auricular fibrillation. l. Exp. Med., 25:21-32.Fat embolism and shock. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 15:34-36.1918Initial and progressive stages of circulatory failure in abdominalshock. Am. i. Physiol., 45:485-99.Shock and circulatory failure, following trauma. Am. l. Physiol.,46:314-28.The clinical registration of cardiac murmurs by the direct method.Arch. Intern. Med., 22:28~0.Circulatory failure: the differentiation between that due to shockand that due to other causes. J. Am. Med. Assoc., 70:508-11.1919Factors determining the relative intensities of the heart sounds indifferent auscultation areas. Arch. Intern. Med., 24:471-96.With H. D. Clough. A physiological investigation into the dynamicaction of the heart in functional cardiac disorders. l. Lab. Clin.Med., 4:624-29.19~20With L. N. Katz. The specific influence of the accelerator nerves onthe duration of ventricular systole. Am. J. Physiol., 53:49-64.With L. N. Katz. The selective effect of the accelerator nerves onventricular systole. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 17:94-97.The normal and pathologic physiology of the circulation. In: Nel-son's Loose-Leaf Living Medicine, vol. 4, p. 243. New York:Thomas Nelson and Sons.

CARL J OHN WIGGERS1921385Studies on the consecutive phases of the cardiac cycle. I. The dura-tion of the consecutive phases of the cardiac cycle and the criteriafor their precise determination. Am. l. Physiol., 56:415-38.Studies on the consecutive phases of the cardiac cycle. II. The lawsgoverning the relative durations of ventricular systole and dias-tole. Am..~. Physiol., 56:439-59.The present status of cardiodynamic studies on normal and patho-logic hearts. (Harvey Lecture) Arch. Intern. Med., 27:475-502.The regulation of the pulmonary circulation. Physiol. Rev., 1:239-68.The influence of venous return and arterial resistance on the pres-sures within the right and left ventricles. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol.Med., 18: 144 46.1922With L. N. Katz. The contour of the ventricular volume curvesunder different conditions. Am. l. Physiol., 58:439-75.With W. R. Baker. A radial transmission sphygmograph with rigidsupport. Am. J. Physiol., 59:454-55.The physiology of the mammalian auricle. IV. The nature of mus-cular contraction in auricular fibrillation and flutter. Am. l.Physiol., 62:310-29.With H. Fell. The cardio-dynamics of mitral insufficiency. Heart, 9:149-84.1923Modern Aspects of the Circulation in Health and Disease. Ed ed.Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger. 662 pp.The cardiodynamics of premature ventricular contractions in thedog. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology, Suppl., pp.237-38.With W. R. Baker. A new universal optical manometer. l. Lab.Clin. Med., 10: 54-56.1924Physiology of circulation. In: Pediatrics, ed. by Isaac A. Abt, vol. 4,pp. 198—237. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co.

386BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRS1925The independence of electrical and mechanical reactions in themammalian heart. Am. Heart l., 1: 173-90.With D. l. Edwards. An acid stimulator signal. Am. I. Physiol., 72:187-88.The fundamental nature of premature ventricular contractions inthe dog. Am. J. Physiol., 72: 188-89.With S. R. Burlage. A segment respirometer for studying the effectsof CO2 in man. Am. J. Physiol., 72: 192-93.A photokymograph for students. Am. i. Physiol., 72:193-94.The muscular reactions of the mammalian ventricles to artificialsurface stimuli. Am. i. Physiol., 73:346-78.Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Department ofPhysiology. In: Methods and Problems of Medical Education, 3dser., p. 47. New York: Rockefeller Foundation.1926With M. G. Banus. A. On the independence of electrical and me-chanical activity in the mammalian ventricle. B. On the effectsof pH changes on conduction in the heart. Am. i. Physiol., 76:215-16.The fractionate nature of ventricular contraction and the influenceof changes in ventricular conduction on the form of the pressurecurve. Skandinavisches Archiv fur Physiologie, 49:247-48.1927The interpretation of the intraventricular pressure curve on thebasis of rapidly summated fractionate contractions. Am. l.Physiol., 80: 1-11.Are ventricular conduction changes of importance in the dynamicsof ventricular contractions? Am. I. Physiol., 80:12-30.With L. N. Katz. The influence of high systemic blood pressures onthe right ventricle and pulmonary circuit. Am. J. Physiol., 82:91-98.The dynamics of ventricular alternation. Annals of Clinical Medi-cine, 5: 1022-27.Studies on the cardiodynamic actions of drugs. I. The applications

CARL JOHN WIGGERS387of optical methods of pressure registration in the study of cardiacstimulants and depressants. i. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 30:217 - 31.Studies on the cardiodynamic actions of drugs. II. The mechanismof cardiac stimulation by epinephrine. l. Pharmacol. Exp.Ther., 30:233 - 50.With B. Stimson. Studies on the cardiodynamic actions of drugs. III.The mechanism of cardiac stimulation by digitalis and g-stro-phanthin. I. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 30:251-69.The cause of temporary ventricular alternation following a longdiastolic pause. In: Contributions to Medical Science, dedicatedto Aldred Scott Warthin, ed. by Willard l. Stone, p. 65. AnnArbor: George Wahr. Also in Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 24:386-87.1928With L. N. Katz. The static and dynamic effort of the heart duringejection. Am. l. Physiol., 85:229-50.The harmonic analysis of intraventricular pressure curves. Am. I.Physiol., 86: 435-49.The interrelations of physiology and internal medicine. l. Am. Med.Assoc., 91: 270-74.I. Laboratory and clinical methods of studying the heart beat. II.The physiologic basis for the clinical interpretation of cardiacirregularities. III. The physiologic principles underlying theadaptation of the heart. Northwest Medicine, 27:466-68.Pressure Pulses in the Cardiovascular System. New York: Longmans,Green. 200 pp.1929With M. L. Siegel. The importance of the variable capacity of theaorta in averting "back pressure" in the right heart and pul-monary artery. Am. i. Physiol., 89:417-27.With M. G. Banus. The effects of CO2 and fixed-acid acidosis onconduction in the mammalian heart. Am. l. Physiol., 90:218-29.A study of the direct effect of hypercapnia on the contraction of themammalian ventricle. Am. l. Physiol., 90:230-41.Die pathologische physiologic des Kreislaufs bei Klappenerkrankun-gen des Herzens. Ergebnisse der Physiologie, 29:250-369.The value and limitations of laboratory methods in clinical investi-

388BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRSgation of cardiovascular diseases. New Orleans Medical and Sur-gical Journal, 81:601~.Principles and Practice of Electrocard iography. St. Louis: C. V.Mosby Co. 226 pp.1930Monophasic and deformed ventricular complexes resulting fromsurface application of potassium salts. Am. Heart l., 5:346-50.Studies of ventricular fibrillation caused by electric shock. II. Cine-matographic and electrocardiographic observations of the nat-ural process in the dog's heart. Its inhibition by potassium andthe revival of coordinated beats by calcium. Am. Heart i., 5:351-65.Studies of ventricular fibrillation caused by electric shock. I. Therevival of the heart from ventricular fibrillation by successiveuse of potassium and calcium salts. Am. i. Physiol., 92:223-39.Studies of ventricular fibrillation caused by electric shock. III. Theaction of antagonistic salts. Am. l. Physiol., 93:197—212.Physiologic meaning of common clinical signs and symptoms incardiovascular disease. I. Am. Med. Assoc., 96:603-10.With H. Theisen and H. A. Williams. Further observations onexperimental aortic insufficiency. II. Cinematographic studies ofchanges in ventricular size and in left ventricular discharge.Journal of Clinical Investigation, 9:215-33.The adsorptions of drugs from the right ventricular cavity. l.Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 39:209 - 19.With H. Green. Experimental aortic insufficiency. I. Regurgitationmaximum and mechanisms for its accommodation within themammalian ventricle. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 27:599-603.Further observations on experimental aortic insufficiency. III. Fac-tors accountable for the systolic collapse of the central pressurepulse. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 28:85-88.1931With A. B. Maltby. Further observations on experimental aorticinsufficiency. IV. Hemodynamic factors determining the charac-teristic changes in aortic and ventricular pressure pulses. Am. J.Physiol., 97: 689-705.The magnitude of regurgitation with aortic leaks of different sizes.J. Am. Med Assoc., 97:1359-64.

CARL JOHN WIGGERS3891932With A. B. Maltby. Studies on human blood pressure criteria andmethods. I. The effects of partial and complete occlusion onactual pressures in compressed arteries. Am. l. Physiol., 100:604-13.With O. Orias. The circulatory changes during hyperthermia pro-duced by short radio waves (radiothermia>. Am. J. Physiol., 100:614-28.Physical and physiological aspects of arteriosclerosis and hyperten-sion. Ann. Intern. Med., 6: 12-30.1933Anatomy and physiology. In: White House Conference on ChildHealth and Protection. Growth and Development of the Child.Part II. Anatomy and Physiology, pp. 288-332. New York: Cen-tury Company.With F. D. McCrea. Rhythmic arterial expansion as a factor in thecontrol of heart rate. Am. l. Physiol., 103:417-31.With D. E. Gregg. The circulatory effects of acute experimentalhypervolemia. Am. I. Physiol., 104:423-32.With F. S. Cotton. Studies on the coronary circulation. I. The coro-nary pressure pulses and their interpretation. Am. I. Physiol.,106:9-15.With F. S. Cotton. Studies on the coronary circulation. II. The sys-tolic and diastolic flow through the coronary vessels. Am. I.Physiol., 106:597-610.1934The dominant control of mammalian ventricular dynamics by ini-tial length. Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Biologia, Suppl.,10:546.Further observations on systolic and diastolic coronary flow undernatural conditions. Science, 80:545-46.Physiology in Health and Disease. 1st ed. Philadelphia: Lea &Febiger. 1156 pp.1935With R. Tennant. The effect of coronary occlusion on myocardialcontraction. Am. l. Physiol., 112:351-61.

390BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRSWith D. E. Gregg and H. D. Green. Phasic variations in peripheralcoronary resistance and their determinants. Am. i. Physiol.,112:362-73.With H. D. Gregg and D. E. Gregg. The phasic changes in coronaryflow established by differential pressure curves. Am. l. Physiol.,112:627-39.With H. C. Wiggers. The interpretation of monophasic action po-tentials from the mammalian ventricle indicated by changesfollowing coronary occlusion. Am. J. Physiol., 113:683-89.1936With M. H. Fineberg. Compensation and failure of the right ventri-cle. Am. Heart l., 11 :255-63.With H. D. Green. The ineffectiveness of drugs upon collateral flowafter experimental coronary occlusion in dogs. Am. Heart i.,11:527-41.The inadequacy of the normal collateral coronary circulation andthe dynamic factors concerned in its development during slowcoronary occlusion. Am. Heart I., 11 :641~7.Cardiac massage and countershock in revival of the mammalian ven-tricles from fibrillation due to coronary occlusion. Am. l. Phys-iol., 116: 161-62.With i. R. Johnson. The alleged validity of coronary sinus outflowas a criterion of coronary reactions. Am. J. Physiol., 118:38-51.With H. D. Green. Ineffectiveness of drugs upon collateral coronaryflow. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 33:578-79.The physiology of the coronary circulation. In: Diseases of the Coro-nary Arteries and Cardiac Pain, ed. by R. L. Levy, p. 57. NewYork: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.1937The influence of Western Reserve University Medical School inChina. Clinical Bulletin of the University Hospitals of Cleveland,1:12.Physiology in Health and Disease. 2d ed. Philadelphia: Lea &Febiger. 1124pp.1938Aspectos fisiologicos de la hipertension arterial. Actas y Trabajos,Sexto Congreso Nacional de Medicine, Cordoba, Oct., p. 238.

CARL J OHN WIGGERS391The dynamics of hypertension. Am. Heart i., 16:515~3.The influence of vascular factors on mean pressure, pulse pressureand phasic peripheral flow. Am. J. Physiol., 123:64~58.With R. Wegria. Active changes in size and distensibility of theaorta during acute hypertension. Am. l. Physiol., 124: 603-11.Fibrillacion ventricular y resusitacion. Boletin Academia Nacionalde Medicina, Buenos Aires, 119: 567-87.A note on some old experiments upon the cerebral circulation withpresent day application. Libro de Oro, Buenos Aires, 3:1487.1939With G. W. Wright and W. R. Hallaran. The economy of effort in-dex for hearts of normal and hypertensive subjects. Am. l.Physiol., 126:89-96.Inter-relaciones entre fisiologia y medicine. Revista Medica de Cor-doba, 27: 1709.Physiology in Health and Disease. ad ed. Philadelphia: Lea 8cFebiger. 1144 pp.1940With N. H. Boyer and R. W. Eckstein. The characteristics of normalheart sounds recorded by direct methods. Am. Heart J., 19:257-74.The mechanism and nature of ventricular fibrillation. Am. Heart l.,20:399-412.The physiologic basis for cardiac resuscitation from ventricularfibrillation method for serial defibrillation. Am. Heart I., 20:413-22.With R. Wegria. Ventricular fibrillation due to single, localizedinduction and condenser shocks applied during the vulnerablephase of ventricular systole. Am. J. Physiol., 128:500-505.With E. W. Shannon. The dynamics of the frog and turtle hearts-the non-refractory phase of systole. Am. J. Physiol., 128:709-15.With l. T. Dingle, G. T. Kent, and L. L. Williams. A study ofalleged quantitative criteria of vasomotor action. Am. I. Physiol.,130:63-68.With R. Wegria. Factors determining the production of ventricularfibrillation by direct currents (with a note on chronaxie). Am. J.Physiol., 131: 10~18.

392BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRSWith R. Wegria. Production of ventricular fibrillation by alternat-ing currents. Am. i. Physiol., 1 3 1: 1 1 9-28.With R. Wegria. Quantitative measurement of the fibrillationthresholds of the mammalian ventricles with observations on theeffect of procaine. Am. J. Physiol., 131:296-308.With R. Wegria and B. Pinera. The effects of myocardial ischemiaon the fibrillation threshold the mechanism of spontaneousventricular fibrillation following coronary occlusion. Am. l.Physiol., 131:309-16.With M. L. Ford, C. L. Petersilge, and A. F. Young. Effect of acuteanoxia on the economy of effort index in man. Proc. Soc. Exp.Biol. Med., 45: 353-55.With P. Dow. Limitations of myocardial recovery from fibrillationthrough countershock. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 45:355-57.Pathways of medical progress. Science, 91:25-31.1941The ineffectiveness of vagal stimulation on ventricular fibrillationin dogs. Am. J. Physiol., 133:634-36.With R. Wegria and G. K. Moe. Comparison of the vulnerableperiods and fibrillation thresholds of normal and idioventricularbeats. Am. l. Physiol., 133:651-57.With G. K. Moe and A. S. Harris. Analysis of the initiation offibrillation by electrographic studies. Am. J. Physiol., 134:473-92.Cardiac adaptations in acute progressive anoxia. Ann. Intern. Med.,14: 1237~7.The mechanisms of peripheral circulatory failure. Ann. Intern.Med.,15:178-89.With H. D. Green. Heart. Ann. Rev. Physiol., 3:313-42.Applicability of experimental results to the shock problem in man.J. Am. Med. Assoc., 117:1143-47.1942With J. M. Werle and R. S. Cosby. Observations on hemorrhagichypotension and hemorrhagic shock. Am. J. Physiol., 136:401-20.With J. M. Werle and P. C. Shea. Cardiac and peripheral resistancefactors as determinants of circulatory failure in hemorrhagicshock. Am. J. Physiol., 136:421-32.

CARL JOHN WIGGERS393With R. N. Lewis and I. M. Werle. The behavior of the spleen inhemorrhagic hypotension and shock. Am. l. Physiol., 138:205-11.Basic hemodynamic principles essential to interpretation of cardio-vascular disorders. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medi-cine, 18:3-17.Aviation physiology. I. The effects of anoxia. West. Reserve Univ.Sch. Med. Clin. Bull., 6:82-87.With I. M. Werle. Observations on hemorrhagic shock. Fed. Proc.Am.Soc.Exp.Biol., 1:91.With I. M. Werle and P. C. Shea. Cardiac and peripheral determi-nants of hemorrhagic shock. Fed. Proc. Am. Soc. Exp. Biol., 1:92.The present status of the shock problem. Physiol. Rev., 22:74-123.With I. M. Werle. Exploration of a method for standardizing hemor-rhagic shock. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 49:604-6.1943With R. Wegria and A. G. Rojas. A study of spontaneous fulminantshock in a heart-lung dog preparation. Am. J. Physiol., 138:212-29.With R. Wegria and N. D. Nickerson. Reactions of the aorta inhemorrhagic hypotension and shock. Am. I. Physiol., 138:491-94.With S. Middleton. Some effects of pectin solutions during post-hemorrhagic hypotension. Am. l. Physiol., 140:326-33.Recent studies on the irreversibility characteristic of shock. Exp.Med. Surg., 1 :2-13.With K. A. Huizenga and B. L. Brofman. The ineffectiveness ofadrenal cortex extracts in standardized hemorrhagic shock. l.Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 78:139-53.With K. A. Huizenga and B. L. Brofman. Ineffectiveness of adreno-cortical preparations in standardized hemorrhagic shock. Proc.Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., 52:77.Recent observations on the value of adrenal cortex preparations inhemorrhagic shock. University Hospital Bulletin, University ofMichigan, 9:61.1944With S. Middleton. The effects of renin and angiotonin on cardiacoutput and total peripheral resistance. Am. J. Physiol., 141:128-31.

394BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRSLaboratory studies of clinical problems in cardiology. Archivos delInstituto de Cardiologia de Mexico, 14:3-8.Cardiovascular aspects of shock and transfusion. Chicago HeartAssociation Bulletin, 22~1-6~: 1-~.Torald Sollman The Professor and Dean. West. Reserve Univ. Sch.Med. Clin. Bull., 8:82 - 84.Correlations of physiology instruction with war problems. Journalof the Association of American Medical Colleges, 19:151-58.Sequencia das reacoes cardiovasculares no choque. Rosenha Clinico-Cientifica, 13: 144-49.Physiology in Health and Disease. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lea &Febiger. 1174 pp.1945Failure of transfusion in irreversible hemorrhagic shock. Am. l.Physiol., 144:91-101.The functional consequences of coronary occlusion. Ann. Intern.Med., 23: 158-69.1946With D. F. Opdyke and I. R. Johnson. Portal pressure gradientsunder experimental conditions including hemorrhagic shock.Am. l. Physiol., 146: 192-206.With D. F. Opdyke. Studies of right and left ventricular activityduring hemorrhagic hypotension and shock. Am. l. Physiol.,147:270-80.With R. W. Eckstein and I. M. Liebow. Limb blood flow andvascular resistance changes in dogs during hemorrhagic hypo-tension and shock. Am. J. Physiol., 147:685-94.1947La similitude de l'insu~sance circulatoire dans le choc aver volumesanguin diminue ou normal. Acta Cardiologica, 2:113-35.Myocardial depression in shock. Am. Heart l., 33:633-50.With R. W. Eckstein and G. R. Graham. Phasic changes in inferiorcave flow of intravascular origin. Am. J. Physiol., 148:740-44.With R. W. Eckstein, G. R. Graham, and I. M. Liebow. Comparison

CARL JOHN WIGGERS395of changes in inferior cave flow after hemorrhage and circulatoryfailure following transfusion. Am. l. Physiol. 148:745—53.With M. N. Levy and G. R. Graham. Regional intrathoracic pres-sures and their bearing on calculation of effective venous pres-sures. Am. i. Physiol., 151: 1-12.With R. M. Kohrman and l. B. Nolasco. Types of afferent fibers inthe phrenic nerve. Am. I. Physiol., 1 5 1: 547-53.Peripheral circulation. Annul Rev. Physiol., 9:255-300.With D. T. Overbey, A. Ramirez, and H. C. Lawson. Bleeding vol-ume and blood volume in hemorrhagic shock. Federation Pro-ceedings, 6: 173-74.1948With R. S. Post and P. H. Visscher. Sequential changes in oxygenconsumption during oligemic and normovolemic shock and theirmeaning. Am. i. Physiol., 153:71-80.With l. L. Duomarco and W. H. Dillon. Comparison of cardiacoutput by a direct method and the Hamilton-Remington proce-dure. Am. i. Physiol., 154: 290-96.1949The Department of Physiology. Alumni Bull. Sch. Med. Affil. Hosp.,13:19.Cardiological principles in surgery. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardio-logia, 2:239-52.The interpretation and treatment of heart failure during anesthesiaand operations. Ohio State Medical Journal, 45:1169-75.Fisiologia normal y Patologica, 1st ed. Madrid: Espase-Calpe.Physiology in Health and Disease. Sth ed. Philadelphia: Lea 8cFebiger. 1242 pp.1950Human experimentation as exemplified by the career of Dr. WilliamBeaumont. Alumni Bull. Sch. Med. Affil. Hosp., 14:60.The problem of functional coronary collaterals. Exp. Med. Surg.,8:402-21.Physiology of Shock. New York: The Commonwealth Fund; Cam-bridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press. 459 pp.

396BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRS19~51Prefatory chapter. Physiology from 1900 to 1920: incidents, acci-dents, and advances. Annul Rev. Physiol., 13: 1-20.With T. C. Gupta. Basic hemodynamic changes produced by aorticcoarctation of different degrees. Circulation, 3:17-31.Determinants of cardiac performance. Circulation, 4:485-95.With i. Bordley, III, C. A. R. Conner, W. F. Hamilton, and W. l.Kerr. Recommendations for human blood pressure determina-tions by sphygmomanometers. Circulation, 4: 503-9.1952Dynamics of ventricular contraction under abnormal conditions.(The Henry Jackson Memorial Lecture) Circulation, 5:321 - 48.The functional importance of coronary collaterals. Circulation, 5:609-15.Circulatory Dynamics: Physiological Studies. New York: Grune &Stratton. 107 pp.1953With R. S. Alexander. Cardiac factors of safety. Editorial. Circ. Res.,1 :99-101.With H. M. Geller and M. Brandfonbrener. The derivation of coro-nary sinus flow during elevation of right ventricular pressure.Circ.Res.,1:152 - 56.Defibrillation of the ventricles. Editorial. Circ. Res., 1:191-99.With A. Hurlimann. The effects of progressive general anoxia on thepulmonary circulation. Circ. Res., 1:230-37.1954The interplay of coronary vascular resistance and myocardial com-pression in regulating coronary flow. Circ. Res., 2:271-79.Research by groups and individuals. Editorial. Circ. Res., 2:479-82.Function of the right ventricle. Science, 120: 789-90.Spezielle hamodynamische Gesichtspunkte experimenteller Herz-klappenfehler. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft furKreislaufforschung, 19~:3-19.Fisiologia Normal y Patologica. Cd ed. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe.

CARL J OHN WIGGERS3971956Some special aspects of hemodynamics. Bulletin de l'Academie Roy-ale de Medecine de Belgique, 21:261-83.Dynamic reactions induced by compression of an artery. Circ. Res.,4:4-7.lg58Reminiscences and Adventures in Circulation Research. New York,London: Grune & Stratton. 404 pp.

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Article information

Author: Maia Crooks Jr

Last Updated:

Views: 6590

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (63 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.