Public Health Research | HMRI (2024)

Public Health Research

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition. (Source -World Health Organization)

The HMRI Public Health Program seeks to improve the health of the community through population health interventions to promote healthy behaviours and enable effective, integrated and equitable health care for all.

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Examining when and the way people use health care, people’s health risk behaviours and the social and environmental factors that affect their health, researchers in the public health research program can explore ways to encourage better health decisions and environments.

Research in this group encompasses a wide and diverse range of health needs at all stages of life – from pregnancy and birth, through to childhood and adult health, as well as ageing and end of life decisions. The research extends from methodological and descriptive research, through trials of strategies to improve health, to studies involving the translation and monitoring of proven programs, surveillance of health risks, and measurement of health system performance. The research is conducted in a wide variety of clinical and community settings, with a strong focus on engagement with industry partners.

Under the guidance of two of Australia’s most experienced public health experts, Professor John Wiggers and Professor Julie Byles, researchers in the HMRI Public Health programwork collaboratively to address a variety of topics, such as: ageing, reproductive health, mental health, nutrition, obesity, smoking, alcohol, and prevention of chronic illness including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and communicable diseases.

Working in conjunction with the University of Newcastle’s Priority Research Centre for Gender Health and Ageing, Priority ResearchCentre for Health Behaviour, and the Hunter New England Area Health Service, researchers in the HMRI Public Health research program focus on the individual, societal and health care factors.The Program brings together researchers from a variety of fields including; public health, epidemiology, psychology, statistics, economics, medicine, nutrition and dietetics, health promotion, pharmacology, physiotherapy, nursing and occupational therapy.

Research Focus Areas:

  • Communicable Disease Risks
  • Effective Health Services
  • Effective Medicines
  • Global Health
  • Healthy Ageing
  • Healthy Lifestyles
  • Using Health Data and Statistics
  • Women’s Health

A dedicated team of educators within the Public Health program is researching ways toincreasethe effectiveness of tertiary education about public health. Evidence based strategies are being developed to increase the understanding of, and the capacity to carry out, interdisciplinary public health measures. Enhancing the capacity of academic staff to teach about social disadvantage across the tertiary sector is a key public health initiative.

Professor Jenny Bowman

Research Program :

  • Public Health

Research Topics :

Effective Health Services, Healthy Lifestyles

Professor Julie Byles

Research Program :

  • Public Health

Research Topics :

Healthy Ageing, Women's Health

Professor John Wiggers

Research Program :

  • Public Health

Research Topics :

Effective Health Services, Healthy Lifestyles

Bolaji Aregbeshola

Research Program :

  • Public Health

Research Topics :

Communicable Disease Risks, Effective Health Services, Global Health, Healthy Lifestyles, Using Health Data & Statistics

Courtney Barnes

Research Program :

  • Public Health

Research Topics :

Effective Health Services, Healthy Lifestyles

Dr Ben Britton

Research Program :

  • Brain & Mental Health
  • Cancer
  • Public Health

Research Topics :

Clinical Cardiovascular, Clinical Mental Health, Clinical Treatment & Palliative Care, Effective Medicines, Psychology

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HMRI Research Excellence Award for Mid-Career Research

Public Health Research | HMRI (7)


Professor Tracy Burrows

HMRI Award for Research Excellence

Public Health Research | HMRI (8)


Laureate Professor Nick Talley

How do fruit and vegetables improve lung function in childhood asthma?

Public Health Research | HMRI (9)


Dr Bronwyn Berthon


How do fruit and vegetables improve lung function in childhood asthma?



Award for Mid Career Research - Luke Wolfenden

Public Health Research | HMRI (10)


Associate Professor Luke Wolfenden


An online intervention to improve child dietary intake in childcare.

Public Health Research | HMRI (11)


Alice Grady


Internationally, 41 million children aged 0-5 years were overweight or obese in 2016(1). Poor nutrition is one of the most important risk factors for the development of obesity(2). As early childhood is a formative time for developing healthy eating behaviours, population health strategies that support children to eat better are of upmost importance(3).


Understanding the link between immune cell function and lung function in the development of asthma in early life

Public Health Research | HMRI (12)


Dr Adam Collison


Asthma affects one in eight children in Australia and is the leading cause of hospitalisations and emergency visits, with an estimated annual health care cost of more than 24 billion Australian dollars in 2015. Asthma is the most common medical complication in pregnancy and is strongly associated with the development of childhood asthma. ntion strategy for asthma.


Improving uptake of colorectal cancer screening among primary care attendees

Public Health Research | HMRI (13)


Laureate Professor Robert Sanson-Fisher, Dr Mariko Carey, Dr Elise Mansfield, Dr Chris Oldmeadow, Ms Natalie Dodd


Despite innovative programs to increase colorectal cancer (CRC) screening amongst people >50 years of age, such the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (NBCSP), current screening rates are low.


Award for Early Career Research - Serene Yoong

Public Health Research | HMRI (14)


Dr Serene Yoong

Award for Research Excellence - Jennifer Martin

Public Health Research | HMRI (15)


Professor Jennifer Martin


Improving uptake of colorectal cancer screening among primary care attendees

Public Health Research | HMRI (16)


Laureate Professor Robert Sanson-Fisher, Dr Mariko Carey, Dr Elise Mansfield, Dr Chris Oldmeadow, Ms Natalie Dodd


Despite innovative programs to increase colorectal cancer (CRC) screening amongst people >50 years of age, such the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (NBCSP), current screening rates are low.


MM Sawyer Postgraduate Scholarship in Cancer Research

Public Health Research | HMRI (17)


Ms Natalie Dodd, L/Prof Rob Sanson-Fisher, Dr Mariko Carey, Dr Elise Mansfield, Dr Chris Oldmeadow


Improving uptake of colorectal cancer screening among primary care attendees


Greaves Family Top Up Scholarship

Public Health Research | HMRI (18)


Ms Jacklyn Jackson, A/Prof Mark McEvoy, Dr Amanda Patterson


Cardiovascular disease (CVD) claims the life of one Australian every 12 minutes and is the leading cause of death worldwide. Statistics from the Hunter New England Local Health District show that this region very much follows this alarming trend.


Greaves Family Top Up Scholarship

Public Health Research | HMRI (19)


Ms Jessica Ferguson, Professor Manohar Garg


Heart disease is highly prevalent worldwide and remains the leading cause of death. It is well established that high cholesterol is a major modifiable risk factor for heart disease because left unmanaged it contributes to blocking of arteries causing stroke, heart attacks and haemorrhages, however, this is only one side of the story. Chronic low-grade inflammation goes hand-in-hand with high cholesterol as a silent, but major contributor to the development of heart disease by means of fatty plaque formation in the arteries.


Greaves Family Top Up Scholarship

Public Health Research | HMRI (20)


Mr Tesfay Feyissa, Dr Melissa Harris, Professor Deborah Loxton


In the last decade, there has been improvement in life expectancy of people living with HIV due to improved drug therapy and care and support programs. However, along with better prospects for a healthy life, comes the desire to have children. Women living with HIV who intend to have children need information and services focused on safe conception strategies while those who do not desire a child need access to effective family planning methods.


Impact of a uniform intervention on girl’s physical activity

Public Health Research | HMRI (21)


Dr Nicole Nathan, A/Prof Luke Wolfenden, Dr Rachel Sutherland, Dr Sze Lin Yoong, Prof John Wiggers


Research indicates that many school-aged children, in particularly girls, are not sufficiently active.Girls are less active than boyswith differences beginning from as young as 8 years. Improving physical activity, particularly among girls, has been identified as a public health priority.



Improving uptake of colorectal cancer screening among primary care attendees

Public Health Research | HMRI (22)


Natalie Dodd

A feasibility pilot study of electronic nicotine devices for smoking cessation with alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment clients

Public Health Research | HMRI (23)


Professor Billie Bonevski,Professor Amanda Baker,Dr Ashleigh Guillaumier,ProfessorAdrian Dunlop


In Australia, up to 95% of people entering AOD treatment smoke tobacco which is five times the national smoking rate. Although treatment clients are interested in quitting and make quit attempts, they find it difficult to remain quit in the long-term. Novel relapse prevention approaches are required for this high smoking prevalence population.


PhD Scholarship Top-Up

Public Health Research | HMRI (24)


Rutger De Zoete, Associate Professor Susan Snodgass

The role of dietary inorganic nitrate and nitrite in cardiovascular disease prevention

Public Health Research | HMRI (25)


A/Prof Mark McEvoy


Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Nitric oxide is a major signaling molecule in the circulatory system, and is a key blood vessel dilator. Reduced nitric oxide (NO) availability in the circulatory system is thought to have a major role in cardiovascular disease development.


'Future' Medical Research Travel Grant

Public Health Research | HMRI (26)


Jacqueline Coombe


Jacqueline’s PhD is focussed on better understanding contraceptive use in Australia. While broad patterns of contraceptive usage are clear, in Australia particularly, we know little about women’s preferences for certain methods, how women make decisions about what method to use and how this translates to contraceptive practices in real life.


Award for Research Excellence - John Wiggers

Public Health Research | HMRI (27)


Professor John Wiggers

Reducing the impact of back pain in miners

Public Health Research | HMRI (28)


Dr Christopher Williams


Can miners at risk of long-term low back pain be identified and provided with a low back pain prevention intervention to prevent the development of persistant pain co-existing lifestyle health risks?



Improving uptake of colorectal cancer screening among primary care attendees

Public Health Research | HMRI (29)


Laureate Professor Robert Sanson-Fisher, Dr Mariko Carey, Dr Elise Mansfield, Dr Chris Oldmeadow, Ms Natalie Dodd


Despite innovative programs to increase colorectal cancer (CRC) screening amongst people >50 years of age, such the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (NBCSP), current screening rates are low.


SKOLL Global Threats

Public Health Research | HMRI (30)


Dr Craig Dalton

Award for Research Excellence - Julie Byles

Public Health Research | HMRI (31)


Professor Julie Byles

Equal Futures Award

Public Health Research | HMRI (32)


Nicole Byrne


Nicole will use the Equal Futures grant funding for individual academic writing coaching for publication and grant applications to enable her to achieve her goal of moving from a clinical role to an academic role in speech pathology research.


Equal Futures Award

Public Health Research | HMRI (33)


Gillian Gould


Gillian will use her Equal Futures funding for 3-4 one-on-one sessions with an external professional mentor and also to travel to New Zealand to build and strengthen her collaborations with Maori researchers to enable Gillian to reach her goal of being a national and international leader in Indigenous Health research.


Understanding suicide in young Australians

Public Health Research | HMRI (34)


ProfessorChris Doran,Dr Rod Ling


Most deaths by suicide are among young people.


2015 Training Institute for Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health

Public Health Research | HMRI (35)


Dr Serene Yoong


Travel support for Dr Yoong to attend & participate in the 2015 Training Institute for Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (TIDIRH) supported by the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, July 26-31, 2015.



Award for Early Career Research - Chris Williams

Public Health Research | HMRI (36)


Dr Chris Williams

Smoke-Free Recovery

Public Health Research | HMRI (37)


Associate Professor Billie Bonevski

Dietary iron during pregnancy: finding the right balance

Public Health Research | HMRI (38)


Dr Alexis Hure, Dr Amina Khambalia, Dr Amanda Patterson, Dr Elizabeth Holliday, Associate Professor Deb Loxton


Iron deficiency is particularly common in women during pregnancy because of the increased iron needed to grow a healthy baby.



End-of-life care: An investigation of advance care planning amongst haematological cancer patients (Public Health Program Bridge Funding)

Public Health Research | HMRI (39)


Dr Lisa Mackenzie


Lisa has made substantial contributions to a number of competitive research grant applications, research projects and position papers in public health and health behaviour epidemiology.


Quality of cancer care from the patient perspective: An international comparison study

Public Health Research | HMRI (40)


Laureate Professor Robert Sanson-Fisher, Dr Mariko Carey, Dr Flora Tzelepis, Ms Alison Zucca, Ms Alix Hall, Ms Lisa Mackenzie


What do cancer patients think about the quality of their care?


A life course perspective on the identification of risk factors for low birth weight

Public Health Research | HMRI (41)


Dr Alexis Hure, Associate Professor Deborah Loxton, Catherine Chojenta, Amy Anderson, Melissa Harris


This project will identify maternal health factors (demographic, health bejaviour, physical and mental health, perceived stress and life events) that are risk factors for low birth weight.


Reducing psychosocial burden among women diagnosed with breast cancer and their support persons: A randomised controlled trial of a web-based intervention.

Public Health Research | HMRI (42)


Laureate Professor Robert Sanson-Fisher, Ian Olver, Charles Douglas, Jamie Bryant, Mariko Carey, Gill Batt, Frans Henskens

The Quit-STAIR: A randomised controlled trial of a proactive stepped approach for maximising uptake of evidence-based smoking cessation support.

Public Health Research | HMRI (43)


Associate Professor Christine Paul, Flora Tzelepis, John Wiggers, Patrick McElduff, Jenny Knight


Tobacco use is responsible for more than 5 million deaths per year globally.


Healthy Schools, Healthy Futures

Public Health Research | HMRI (44)


John Wiggers, Elizabeth Campbell, Luke Wolfenden, Jennifer Bowman, Megan Fruend


The project aims to reduce the number of disadvantaged adolescents across the Hunter New England region from taking up smoking and using alcohol and illict drugs.



HMRI Leukaemia Travel Award 2012

Public Health Research | HMRI (45)


Dr Flora Tzelepis

Award for Research Excellence - John Attia

Public Health Research | HMRI (46)


Professor John Attia

HMRI Post Natal Depression Travel Award

Public Health Research | HMRI (47)


Ms Catherine Chojenta

Award for Early Career Research - Luke Wolfenden

Public Health Research | HMRI (48)


Dr Luke Wolfenden

Healthy Schools, Healthy Futures

Public Health Research | HMRI (49)


John Wiggers,Elizabeth Campbell, Luke Wolfenden, Jennifer Bowman, Megan Fruend


HCRF Education Prize

Public Health Research | HMRI (50)


Rebecca Dyson

Improving cancer care for lymphoma: patients' perceptions of optimal care - Stroud Rodeo Lymphoma Research Project Grant

Public Health Research | HMRI (51)


Dr Flora Tzelepis,Dr Mariko Carey, AssociateProfessor Christine Paul, Dr Tclinton-McHarg, Ms Alison Zucca

The profile of pain in older women with arthritis - Lions Club of Adamstown Research Project Grant

Public Health Research | HMRI (52)


AssociateProfessor Lynne Parkinson,Professor Julie Byles, Dr F Blyth, Associate ProfessorH Pollard

What causes unexplained encephalitis? A pilot adult encephalitis hospital-based surveillance system - Ann and Eric Bone Research Project Grant

Public Health Research | HMRI (53)


Conjoint Professor David Durrheim,Mrs B Paterson

HMRI Education Prize

Public Health Research | HMRI (54)


Elizabeth Holliday

PULSE Education Prize

Public Health Research | HMRI (55)


Alexis Hure

DNA methylation in a cohort study of nutrition during pregnancy and childhood

Public Health Research | HMRI (56)


Dr Alexis Hure,Dr David Mossman, ProfessorRoger Smith, Professor Clare Collins

Physiotherapy for head and neck Cancer

Public Health Research | HMRI (57)


Ms Aoife McGarvery

Healthy Schools, Healthy Futures

Public Health Research | HMRI (58)


John Wiggers,Elizabeth Campbell, Luke Wolfenden, Jennifer Bowman, Megan Fruend


Pulse Education Prize

Public Health Research | HMRI (59)


Dr Kelly Avery-Kiejda

Pulse Education Grant

Public Health Research | HMRI (60)


Sylvie Lambert

FamilyFIT: an innovative approach to increasing physical activity for the whole family

Public Health Research | HMRI (61)


Dr Erica James, Lorraine Paras, Phil Morgan, Marita Lynagh

Healthy Schools, Healthy Futures

Public Health Research | HMRI (62)


John Wiggers, Elizabeth Campbell, Luke Wolfenden, Jennifer Bowman, Megan Fruend

Zinc as target for prevention of type-2 diabetes

Public Health Research | HMRI (63)


Professor John Attia, Milton Hasnat, Mark McEvoy, Amanda Patterson, Shamasunder Acharya, Steve Bowe

Pilot of an intervention to increase the provision of nicotine dependence treatment in mental health inpatient settings

Public Health Research | HMRI (64)


Ms Paula Wye, John Wiggers, Jenny Bowman, Amanda Baker, Megan Freund

A randomised controlled trial of an intervention to increase child physical activity during attendance at childcare

Public Health Research | HMRI (65)


Dr Luke Wolfenden, John Wiggers, Phil Morgan, Megan Freund

Delay in seeking treatment for symptoms of bowel cancer: a community survey of self-reported delay timeframes and triggers for seeking treatment among those aged 55+

Public Health Research | HMRI (66)


Dr Christine Paul, Robert Sanson-Fisher,Dr Mariko Carey, R Courtney, C D'Este, Associate Professor Mark McEvoy


Effectiveness of an intervention disigned to reduce alcohol-related harm associated with licensed premises in Newcastle

Public Health Research | HMRI (67)


Dr John Wiggers,P McElduff, M Freund, K Gillham, E d'Espaignet

Weekly online community survey for early detection of seasonal and pandemic influenza and vaccine failure.

Public Health Research | HMRI (68)


Dr Craig Dolton,D Durrheim, E d'Espaignet, H Kelly

Environmental Determinants of Lupas Flares

Public Health Research | HMRI (69)


Ms Marline Squance


Molecular mechanisms and treatment of non-eosinphilic asthma.

Public Health Research | HMRI (70)


Dr Jodie Simpson, Professor Peter Gibson

Development and psychometric evaluation of two measures of perceived needs: one for adolescents with cancer; one for their parents and carers. PhD student = Tara Clinton-McHarg

Public Health Research | HMRI (71)


Prof Robert Sanson-Fisher,Tara Clinton-McHarg

Integrated Smoking Care Linking Mental Health Inpatients to Community Services: a Pilot Study

Public Health Research | HMRI (72)


Associate Professor John Wiggers,Associate Professor J Bowman, Associate Professor AmandaBaker


Maximising the benefit of NU Sport school holiday sport camps; encouraging increased participation in organised sporting activity" (NUSport providing $5K cash, $5K in-kind (researcher liaising with Nusport re in-kind part)

Public Health Research | HMRI (73)


Dr Christine Paul

Improving the quality of health news reports in the Australian media - employing Billie Bonevski

Public Health Research | HMRI (74)


ProfessorDavid Henry,Ms Amanda Wilson, Billie Bonevski

Liquor industry sponsorship at Australian Universities

Public Health Research | HMRI (75)


Dr Kypros Kypri,ProfessorRobert Sanson-Fisher

Followup of non-participant to a smoking cessation intervention trial; tracking quitting-related attitudes, behaviours, and hard-core status

Public Health Research | HMRI (76)


Dr Christine Paul,Dr John Wiggers

Pilot of best practice nutrition screening and intervention for hospitalised older people

Public Health Research | HMRI (77)


ProfessorSandra Capra,Dr Lynne Parkinson, Professor Julie Byles, Dr David Sibbritt


A web-based fathers' network and health information service for first-time fathers"

Public Health Research | HMRI (78)


Mr Richard Fletcher,Dr DR Keatinge

ALZHEIMERS - The impact of anticholinergic activity, apolipoprotein E and high affinity chlorine transporter genotype on cognition in a population-based cohort

Public Health Research | HMRI (79)


Mr Mark McEvoy,AssociateProfessorP Schofield, ProfessorW Smith, Dr J Duke, AssociateProfessorJohn Attia

Equipment Grant

Public Health Research | HMRI (80)


Professor Afaf Girgis

Adequacy and equity of treatment for depression among older Australian Women

Public Health Research | HMRI (81)


Professor Julie Byles,Dr Deborah Loxton

Women and arthritis; the burden of suffering for older Australian women

Public Health Research | HMRI (82)


Dr Lynne Parkinson,ProfessorJulie Byles

Health and wellbeing of partners of victims of trauma; a vulnerable group in the community

Public Health Research | HMRI (83)


Dr Sue Outram,Dr B O'Toole,Professor SV Catts


The effect of physical activity on independent living, disease outcomes and health services utilisation among community dwelling older patients

Public Health Research | HMRI (84)


Dr Janine Duke, Professor Wayne Smith

The lifestyles and cancer surveillance practices of newly diagnosed cancer patients

Public Health Research | HMRI (85)


Dr Jiong Li, AssociateProfessor Afa Grirgis, Dr Chris Paul and Ms Allison Boyes

PULSE Education Prize

Public Health Research | HMRI (86)


Ms Clare Johnson

An exploratory Multi-Method study of the use of complementary and Alternative Medicines by Prostate Cancer Patientsas 04-29

Public Health Research | HMRI (87)


Dr Jon Adams,AssociateProfessorA Girgis, Dr D Sibbritt, Dr J Duke


Older women and alcohol use: a longitudinal exploration of behaviours and consequences

Public Health Research | HMRI (88)


Associate Professor Julie Byles,Dr L Parkinson, Associate ProfessorCD Este & Dr P Warner-Smith


Sparke Helmore Achievement - Cancer

Public Health Research | HMRI (89)


ProfessorNikolai Bogduk

Patient perceptions of breast cancer risks and the benefits of herbal treatment in menopausal subjects

Public Health Research | HMRI (90)


Dr Usha Parvathy,Dr J Wadams,Dr D Sibbritt


The prevalence and quality of learning support plans for children with disabilities receiving integration funding in mainstream Hunter Valley Primary Schools

Public Health Research | HMRI (91)


Ms A Prigg,Dr G Vimpani

Award for Outstanding Achievement

Public Health Research | HMRI (92)


ProfessorJill co*ckburn


The prevalence of antibiotic resistant strains of H.pylori infection among patients investigated for dyspepsia at John Hunter Hospital

Public Health Research | HMRI (93)


Dr Anne Duggan,Dr S Tiley

Accuracy of a new blood test for B Natriuetic Peptide in the diagnosis of congestive heart failure in general practice.

Public Health Research | HMRI (94)


Dr Ben Ewald,Dr J Lowe


Preventing infant exposure to tobacco smoke: evaluation of an early childhood intervention

Public Health Research | HMRI (95)


Dr John Wiggers,Ms R Considine


Award for Research Excellence - Robert Sanson-Fisher

Public Health Research | HMRI (96)


Laureate ProfessorRobert Sanson-Fisher


Interactive Voice Response: A New Method for Population Health Studies

Public Health Research | HMRI (97)


Dr Lynne Hanco*ck

  • Public Health
  • Communicable Disease Risks
  • Effective Health Services
  • Effective Medicines
  • Global Health
  • Healthy Ageing
  • Healthy Lifestyles
  • Women's Health
  • Global action for health and ageing
  • WHO and Hunter researchers join forces
  • Leading research for smoking cessation
  • Research packs positive lunchbox message
  • Funding success to address chronic disease
  • Preventing chronic disease among people with mental illness
  • Health professionals needed to help cancer patients quit smoking
  • Funding boost for Indigenous Australians living with dementia
  • Ensuring no smoker is left behind
  • $3 million to address dementia challenges
  • Bullying takes toll on young women’s health
  • Domestic violence impact lasts a lifetime
  • Helping seniors feel right at home
  • Trial to test electronic cigarettes as smoking cessation aids
  • Study Identifies Risk Factors for Postnatal Study
  • Public Health Crusader Honoured for Excellence
  • Researchers closing gap on Indigenous health
  • Women’s longitudinal study finds postnatal depression predictor
  • Young women make healthy use of social media
Public Health Research | HMRI (2024)


What is an example of a research question in public health? ›

Examples of research questions:
  • Does improved nutrition in children impact academic achievement?
  • Are teenage drivers more likely to be involved in automobile accidents?
  • Do early intervention programs prevent smoking among teenagers who live in rural areas within the United States?
Jul 24, 2024

Is it worth doing paid clinical trials? ›

Well-designed and well-performed clinical trials provide benefits to you while allowing you to help others by contributing to knowledge about new treatments or procedures. You gain access to new research treatments before they are widely available.

Why is research important to public health? ›

Research helps determine the best treatments and practices for various conditions. Research helps to identify new and better ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases and conditions. It provides insights into the causes of illnesses as well as potential treatments that can be applied in clinical practice.

Is public health research a public good? ›

First, building on the classical definition of public goods, public health is a collective property that depends principally on the conditions that create public health (i.e. the structural, social, and political forces that produce health of populations) rather than on any individual action.

What are 5 good research questions and answers? ›

Five Questions for Good Research
  • What is the problem to be solved? Every good research project solves some particular problem. ...
  • Who cares about this problem and why? ...
  • What have others done? ...
  • What is your solution to the problem? ...
  • How can you demonstrate that your solution is a good one?

How to develop a public health research question? ›

Asking the Right Question with the 5 A's
  1. Assess. Identify the public health problem. ...
  2. Ask. Use the PICO formula to create a good question: ...
  3. Acquire. Use your PICO formula to search for good evidence. ...
  4. Appraise. What have you found? ...
  5. Apply. Now apply and discuss the evidence you have found with your patient population.
Oct 6, 2023

Can you make a living off clinical trials? ›

Depending on the study's complexity and duration, participants can earn a substantial amount of money. This can be particularly appealing if you're looking to supplement your income or save for a specific goal. Clinical research studies often involve drugs and devices that aren't yet available to the public.

Which clinical trials pay the most money? ›

For example, Phase 1 trials offer the highest payments (around $2,000 on average), but this is because the treatments being studied are less well-understood. Phase IV trials, in comparison, offer the lowest average compensation (around $400).

How much money can I make doing clinical trials? ›

What are Top 10 Highest Paying Cities for Clinical Trials Jobs
CityAnnual SalaryMonthly Pay
Santa Rosa, CA$154,283$12,856
Costa Mesa, CA$151,392$12,616
Long Beach, CA$150,396$12,533
Greenwood, CA$150,145$12,512
6 more rows

What is the main goal of public health research? ›

Public health is the science of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities. This work is achieved by promoting healthy lifestyles, researching disease and injury prevention, and detecting, preventing and responding to infectious diseases.

What is the difference between public health practice and research? ›

Unlike research, public health practice activities are premised on providing some known or expected benefit to participants or the population of which they are members.

What are the 10 essential functions of public health? ›

10 Essential Public Health Services
  • Assess and monitor population health.
  • Investigate, diagnose and address health hazards and root causes.
  • Communicate effectively to inform and educate.
  • Strengthen, support and mobilize communities and partnerships.
  • Create, champion and implement policies, plans and laws.

Is public health a stable career? ›

The high salaries associated with public health careers highlights the need for experts in the field, which should help assuage any concerns about the initial investment. A public health degree is an initial investment that rewards students with both long-term financial stability and professional growth.

Is it hard to study public health? ›

Is a bachelor's in public health hard? BS in public health programs can be rigorous. Though earning this degree requires lots of studying, research and discipline, it can eventually lead to a secure and rewarding career.

What is a public health researcher? ›

A public health researcher is responsible for conducting surveys and analyzing data and lab results in order to gain a better perspective of a population's health. They uncover trends, risks, and other factors, such as whether biology, behavior, society, or the environment play a role in a population's health.

What is an example of a research question in healthcare? ›

Examples of broad clinical research questions include:

What is the most accurate and comprehensive way to determine men's experience of physical assault? Is yoga as effective as traditional physical therapy in reducing lymphedema in patients who have had head and neck cancer treatment?

What is an example of a research question? ›

How does class size affect students' academic performance in primary schools? This example research question targets two clearly defined variables, which can be measured and analysed relatively easily. Do online courses result in better retention of material than traditional courses?

What is an example of a public health problem? ›

Common public health issues and concerns include environmental quality (clean air, water, and food), sanitation, climate change, health equity, health reform, access to healthcare, tobacco use and exposure, mental health, injury and violence, physical activity, nutrition, obesity, and vaccination.

What is an example of basic research in health? ›

Other examples of basic research that have led to important advances in medicine are the discovery of DNA (leading to cancer treatments) and neurotransmitters (leading to antidepressants and antiseizure medications).

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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.